
Showing posts from January 1, 2019

How to call dismapi.dll on Windows 7

0 How do I install the DISMAPI on Windows 7? There is the function DismGetDrivers that I want to use on Windows 7. According to the documentation it is supported on Windows 7. However a program I have written that calls the dismapi.dll reports: Unhandled Exception: System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'DismApi': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E). The program works as expected on Windows 8.1. I am thinking there is probably some toolkit that needs to be installed. I thought installing the Windows 7 ADK would help but it has made no difference. I also installed the MDT. No improvement. windows-7 windows installation windows-installation adk shar

How can I properly bind an enum within a dropdown menu in Angular 4?

0 In a dropdown menu, I've used an Enum data structure ( Typescript ) to store my values. However it seems that the data binding to the object's category field doesn't take place properly and nothing is selected by default. Is there any better solution? export enum CategoryEnum { EXAMPLECAT1 = 1, EXAMPLECAT2 = 2, EXAMPLECAT3 = 3, EXAMPLECAT4 = 4 } @Component({ selector: 'category', template: ` <label for="appCategory">Example Category: </label> <select class="form-control" id="exampleCategory" required (change)="parseValue($" (ngModelChange)="changeSelectedType($event)"> <option *ngFor="let category of categoryTypes"