
Showing posts from February 8, 2019

Output parameter without specifying its name

0 I'm using Entity Framework 6.2.0. To execute a stored procedure with an output parameter in EF we have to do the following (also, on SO): // Create a ObjectParameter instance to retrieve output parameter from stored procedure ObjectParameter output = new ObjectParameter("ID", typeof(Int32)); context.InsertPerson(name, description, output); A typical auto-generated InsertPerson() method looks like this: public virtual int InsertPerson(string name, string description, ObjectParameter output) { var nameParameter = new ObjectParameter("name", name); var descriptionParameter = new ObjectParameter("description", description); return ((IObjectContextAdapter)this).ObjectContext.ExecuteFunction("InsertPerson", nameParameter , descriptionParameter , out

Using oyster card in buses

28 How are bus rides accounted for when using an Oyster card? London Underground stations have ticket barriers that scan the card on entry and exit, but using a bus the card is only scanned when boarding. How is the correct fare calculated in this case? london buses oyster-card share | improve this question edited 20 hours ago qechua 367 1 7 asked 21 hours ago NicolasB NicolasB 460 3 17