
Showing posts from December 10, 2018

ListView name not access in xaml.cs [duplicate]

up vote 0 down vote favorite This question already has an answer here: ListBox items return string, when DataTemplate is Button 1 answer I have pivot with listView in my xaml. ListView has name "NoteItems: I cannot write full my xaml code, so I gave link to documents. But xaml.cs has error "The name "NoteItems" does not exist in the current context" in this string: NoteItems.DragOver += OnStepsListViewDragOver; (NoteItems.ItemsSource as INotifyCollectionChanged).CollectionChanged += OnStepsCollectionChanged; c# xaml uwp uwp-xaml

Did the transmeta processor architecture work by binary translation?

up vote 13 down vote favorite 2 Transmeta Corporation produced the Transmeta Crusoe Processor architecture. (Transmeta was also famous for having Linus Torvalds work there at the time.) We can see from the wikipedia article that the Crusoe processor appears to implements Code Morphing Software. This gives it the ability in theory to execute instructions from other architectures. (eg RISC or Java VM instructions.) We see a similar pattern in Apple's MacOS Rosetta binary translation software. This enabled software binaries compiled for PowerPC to continue running on the new x86 architecture. My question is: Did the transmeta processor architecture work by binary translation? chip binary-translation share | improve thi