IntStream rangeClosed unable to return value other than int [duplicate]


This question already has an answer here:

  • Why can't I map integers to strings when streaming from an array?

    5 answers

Why is this getting error? I thought map can return any value.

var s = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 5).map(String::valueOf).collect(Collectors.toList());

| Error: | incompatible types: bad return type in method reference |
java.lang.String cannot be converted to int | var s =
5).map(String::valueOf).collect(Collectors.toList()); |


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marked as duplicate by Mark Rotteveel java
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2 days ago

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  • 1

    Note that this post is tagged java-8, but the var keyword is available from Java 9.
    – MC Emperor
    2 days ago

  • 2

    @MCEmperor (true) Java-10 precisely. Anyway, that's not of utmost importance for the current question and can be ignored unless someone actually tries to copy the same code to make it work under Java-8.
    – nullpointer
    2 days ago


This question already has an answer here:

  • Why can't I map integers to strings when streaming from an array?

    5 answers

Why is this getting error? I thought map can return any value.

var s = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 5).map(String::valueOf).collect(Collectors.toList());

| Error: | incompatible types: bad return type in method reference |
java.lang.String cannot be converted to int | var s =
5).map(String::valueOf).collect(Collectors.toList()); |


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marked as duplicate by Mark Rotteveel java
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2 days ago

This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, please ask a new question.

  • 1

    Note that this post is tagged java-8, but the var keyword is available from Java 9.
    – MC Emperor
    2 days ago

  • 2

    @MCEmperor (true) Java-10 precisely. Anyway, that's not of utmost importance for the current question and can be ignored unless someone actually tries to copy the same code to make it work under Java-8.
    – nullpointer
    2 days ago





This question already has an answer here:

  • Why can't I map integers to strings when streaming from an array?

    5 answers

Why is this getting error? I thought map can return any value.

var s = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 5).map(String::valueOf).collect(Collectors.toList());

| Error: | incompatible types: bad return type in method reference |
java.lang.String cannot be converted to int | var s =
5).map(String::valueOf).collect(Collectors.toList()); |


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This question already has an answer here:

  • Why can't I map integers to strings when streaming from an array?

    5 answers

Why is this getting error? I thought map can return any value.

var s = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 5).map(String::valueOf).collect(Collectors.toList());

| Error: | incompatible types: bad return type in method reference |
java.lang.String cannot be converted to int | var s =
5).map(String::valueOf).collect(Collectors.toList()); |


This question already has an answer here:

  • Why can't I map integers to strings when streaming from an array?

    5 answers

java lambda java-8 java-stream

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edited 2 days ago

Nicholas K



asked 2 days ago

Julez Jupiter



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2 days ago

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2 days ago

This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, please ask a new question.

  • 1

    Note that this post is tagged java-8, but the var keyword is available from Java 9.
    – MC Emperor
    2 days ago

  • 2

    @MCEmperor (true) Java-10 precisely. Anyway, that's not of utmost importance for the current question and can be ignored unless someone actually tries to copy the same code to make it work under Java-8.
    – nullpointer
    2 days ago

  • 1

    Note that this post is tagged java-8, but the var keyword is available from Java 9.
    – MC Emperor
    2 days ago

  • 2

    @MCEmperor (true) Java-10 precisely. Anyway, that's not of utmost importance for the current question and can be ignored unless someone actually tries to copy the same code to make it work under Java-8.
    – nullpointer
    2 days ago



Note that this post is tagged java-8, but the var keyword is available from Java 9.
– MC Emperor
2 days ago

Note that this post is tagged java-8, but the var keyword is available from Java 9.
– MC Emperor
2 days ago



@MCEmperor (true) Java-10 precisely. Anyway, that's not of utmost importance for the current question and can be ignored unless someone actually tries to copy the same code to make it work under Java-8.
– nullpointer
2 days ago

@MCEmperor (true) Java-10 precisely. Anyway, that's not of utmost importance for the current question and can be ignored unless someone actually tries to copy the same code to make it work under Java-8.
– nullpointer
2 days ago

4 Answers





Use mapToObj:

var s = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 5).mapToObj(String::valueOf).collect(Collectors.toList());

map of IntStream can only map an int value to another int value. It accepts an IntUnaryOperator (which accepts an int and returns an int) as the mapper function, and returns an IntStream.

On the other hand, mapToObj allows you to map an int value to any reference type, and thus transform the IntStream to a Stream<SomeReferenceType>. It accepts an IntFunction<? extends U> (which accepts an int and returns a reference type) as the mapper function, and returns a Stream<U>.

share|improve this answer


    Use mapToObj instead :

    IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 5).mapToObj(String::valueOf).collect(Collectors.toList());

    share|improve this answer


      While the aforementioned answers are correct and mapToObj is the idiomatic approach to proceed with, I think it's important to understand why the problem arises and thus in future cases, you'll know how to decipher the problem simply by going through the documentation.

      it's a very important skill for a programmer to dig into the documentation when not understanding the workings of a specific method.

      So, let's go through the relevant stream pipeline operations:

      IntStream.rangeClosed returns an IntStream as per the documentation:

      Returns a sequential ordered IntStream from startInclusive (inclusive)
      to endInclusive (inclusive) by an incremental step of 1.

      invoking map on an IntStream is expected to return an IntStream as per the documentation:

      Returns a stream consisting of the results of applying the given
      function to the elements of this stream.

      As well as that it's important to note that the method declaration for map is as follows:

      IntStream map(IntUnaryOperator mapper)

      i.e. it takes a IntUnaryOperator which in fact represents an operation on a single int-valued operand that produces an int-valued result.

      However, you're passing a function String::valueOf which consumes an int as we're dealing with an IntStream and returns a String thus not compliant with IntUnaryOperator and this is the cause of the problem.

      Whenever you want to take a primitive stream specialization and perform some mapping function and in turn yield a Stream<R> as a result then mapToObj is the way to go.

      mapToObj is declared as:

      mapToObj(IntFunction<? extends U> mapper)

      IntFunction represents a function that accepts an int-valued argument and produces a result and this result is of type R which means you'll have a Stream<R> after the mapToObj.

      share|improve this answer


        Alternatively, you could use IntStream.boxed as :

        var s = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 5) // IntStream
        .boxed() // Stream<Integer>
        .map(String::valueOf) // Stream<String>

        since the IntStream originally is a sequence of primitive int-values elements.

        Another variant of performing such an operation would be :

        var s = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 5)
        .map(a -> Integer.toString(a))

        share|improve this answer

          4 Answers




          4 Answers











          Use mapToObj:

          var s = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 5).mapToObj(String::valueOf).collect(Collectors.toList());

          map of IntStream can only map an int value to another int value. It accepts an IntUnaryOperator (which accepts an int and returns an int) as the mapper function, and returns an IntStream.

          On the other hand, mapToObj allows you to map an int value to any reference type, and thus transform the IntStream to a Stream<SomeReferenceType>. It accepts an IntFunction<? extends U> (which accepts an int and returns a reference type) as the mapper function, and returns a Stream<U>.

          share|improve this answer


            Use mapToObj:

            var s = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 5).mapToObj(String::valueOf).collect(Collectors.toList());

            map of IntStream can only map an int value to another int value. It accepts an IntUnaryOperator (which accepts an int and returns an int) as the mapper function, and returns an IntStream.

            On the other hand, mapToObj allows you to map an int value to any reference type, and thus transform the IntStream to a Stream<SomeReferenceType>. It accepts an IntFunction<? extends U> (which accepts an int and returns a reference type) as the mapper function, and returns a Stream<U>.

            share|improve this answer




              Use mapToObj:

              var s = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 5).mapToObj(String::valueOf).collect(Collectors.toList());

              map of IntStream can only map an int value to another int value. It accepts an IntUnaryOperator (which accepts an int and returns an int) as the mapper function, and returns an IntStream.

              On the other hand, mapToObj allows you to map an int value to any reference type, and thus transform the IntStream to a Stream<SomeReferenceType>. It accepts an IntFunction<? extends U> (which accepts an int and returns a reference type) as the mapper function, and returns a Stream<U>.

              share|improve this answer

              Use mapToObj:

              var s = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 5).mapToObj(String::valueOf).collect(Collectors.toList());

              map of IntStream can only map an int value to another int value. It accepts an IntUnaryOperator (which accepts an int and returns an int) as the mapper function, and returns an IntStream.

              On the other hand, mapToObj allows you to map an int value to any reference type, and thus transform the IntStream to a Stream<SomeReferenceType>. It accepts an IntFunction<? extends U> (which accepts an int and returns a reference type) as the mapper function, and returns a Stream<U>.

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              edited 2 days ago

              answered 2 days ago





                  Use mapToObj instead :

                  IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 5).mapToObj(String::valueOf).collect(Collectors.toList());

                  share|improve this answer


                    Use mapToObj instead :

                    IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 5).mapToObj(String::valueOf).collect(Collectors.toList());

                    share|improve this answer




                      Use mapToObj instead :

                      IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 5).mapToObj(String::valueOf).collect(Collectors.toList());

                      share|improve this answer

                      Use mapToObj instead :

                      IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 5).mapToObj(String::valueOf).collect(Collectors.toList());

                      share|improve this answer

                      share|improve this answer

                      share|improve this answer

                      answered 2 days ago

                      Nicholas K




                          While the aforementioned answers are correct and mapToObj is the idiomatic approach to proceed with, I think it's important to understand why the problem arises and thus in future cases, you'll know how to decipher the problem simply by going through the documentation.

                          it's a very important skill for a programmer to dig into the documentation when not understanding the workings of a specific method.

                          So, let's go through the relevant stream pipeline operations:

                          IntStream.rangeClosed returns an IntStream as per the documentation:

                          Returns a sequential ordered IntStream from startInclusive (inclusive)
                          to endInclusive (inclusive) by an incremental step of 1.

                          invoking map on an IntStream is expected to return an IntStream as per the documentation:

                          Returns a stream consisting of the results of applying the given
                          function to the elements of this stream.

                          As well as that it's important to note that the method declaration for map is as follows:

                          IntStream map(IntUnaryOperator mapper)

                          i.e. it takes a IntUnaryOperator which in fact represents an operation on a single int-valued operand that produces an int-valued result.

                          However, you're passing a function String::valueOf which consumes an int as we're dealing with an IntStream and returns a String thus not compliant with IntUnaryOperator and this is the cause of the problem.

                          Whenever you want to take a primitive stream specialization and perform some mapping function and in turn yield a Stream<R> as a result then mapToObj is the way to go.

                          mapToObj is declared as:

                          mapToObj(IntFunction<? extends U> mapper)

                          IntFunction represents a function that accepts an int-valued argument and produces a result and this result is of type R which means you'll have a Stream<R> after the mapToObj.

                          share|improve this answer


                            While the aforementioned answers are correct and mapToObj is the idiomatic approach to proceed with, I think it's important to understand why the problem arises and thus in future cases, you'll know how to decipher the problem simply by going through the documentation.

                            it's a very important skill for a programmer to dig into the documentation when not understanding the workings of a specific method.

                            So, let's go through the relevant stream pipeline operations:

                            IntStream.rangeClosed returns an IntStream as per the documentation:

                            Returns a sequential ordered IntStream from startInclusive (inclusive)
                            to endInclusive (inclusive) by an incremental step of 1.

                            invoking map on an IntStream is expected to return an IntStream as per the documentation:

                            Returns a stream consisting of the results of applying the given
                            function to the elements of this stream.

                            As well as that it's important to note that the method declaration for map is as follows:

                            IntStream map(IntUnaryOperator mapper)

                            i.e. it takes a IntUnaryOperator which in fact represents an operation on a single int-valued operand that produces an int-valued result.

                            However, you're passing a function String::valueOf which consumes an int as we're dealing with an IntStream and returns a String thus not compliant with IntUnaryOperator and this is the cause of the problem.

                            Whenever you want to take a primitive stream specialization and perform some mapping function and in turn yield a Stream<R> as a result then mapToObj is the way to go.

                            mapToObj is declared as:

                            mapToObj(IntFunction<? extends U> mapper)

                            IntFunction represents a function that accepts an int-valued argument and produces a result and this result is of type R which means you'll have a Stream<R> after the mapToObj.

                            share|improve this answer




                              While the aforementioned answers are correct and mapToObj is the idiomatic approach to proceed with, I think it's important to understand why the problem arises and thus in future cases, you'll know how to decipher the problem simply by going through the documentation.

                              it's a very important skill for a programmer to dig into the documentation when not understanding the workings of a specific method.

                              So, let's go through the relevant stream pipeline operations:

                              IntStream.rangeClosed returns an IntStream as per the documentation:

                              Returns a sequential ordered IntStream from startInclusive (inclusive)
                              to endInclusive (inclusive) by an incremental step of 1.

                              invoking map on an IntStream is expected to return an IntStream as per the documentation:

                              Returns a stream consisting of the results of applying the given
                              function to the elements of this stream.

                              As well as that it's important to note that the method declaration for map is as follows:

                              IntStream map(IntUnaryOperator mapper)

                              i.e. it takes a IntUnaryOperator which in fact represents an operation on a single int-valued operand that produces an int-valued result.

                              However, you're passing a function String::valueOf which consumes an int as we're dealing with an IntStream and returns a String thus not compliant with IntUnaryOperator and this is the cause of the problem.

                              Whenever you want to take a primitive stream specialization and perform some mapping function and in turn yield a Stream<R> as a result then mapToObj is the way to go.

                              mapToObj is declared as:

                              mapToObj(IntFunction<? extends U> mapper)

                              IntFunction represents a function that accepts an int-valued argument and produces a result and this result is of type R which means you'll have a Stream<R> after the mapToObj.

                              share|improve this answer

                              While the aforementioned answers are correct and mapToObj is the idiomatic approach to proceed with, I think it's important to understand why the problem arises and thus in future cases, you'll know how to decipher the problem simply by going through the documentation.

                              it's a very important skill for a programmer to dig into the documentation when not understanding the workings of a specific method.

                              So, let's go through the relevant stream pipeline operations:

                              IntStream.rangeClosed returns an IntStream as per the documentation:

                              Returns a sequential ordered IntStream from startInclusive (inclusive)
                              to endInclusive (inclusive) by an incremental step of 1.

                              invoking map on an IntStream is expected to return an IntStream as per the documentation:

                              Returns a stream consisting of the results of applying the given
                              function to the elements of this stream.

                              As well as that it's important to note that the method declaration for map is as follows:

                              IntStream map(IntUnaryOperator mapper)

                              i.e. it takes a IntUnaryOperator which in fact represents an operation on a single int-valued operand that produces an int-valued result.

                              However, you're passing a function String::valueOf which consumes an int as we're dealing with an IntStream and returns a String thus not compliant with IntUnaryOperator and this is the cause of the problem.

                              Whenever you want to take a primitive stream specialization and perform some mapping function and in turn yield a Stream<R> as a result then mapToObj is the way to go.

                              mapToObj is declared as:

                              mapToObj(IntFunction<? extends U> mapper)

                              IntFunction represents a function that accepts an int-valued argument and produces a result and this result is of type R which means you'll have a Stream<R> after the mapToObj.

                              share|improve this answer

                              share|improve this answer

                              share|improve this answer

                              edited 2 days ago

                              answered 2 days ago





                                  Alternatively, you could use IntStream.boxed as :

                                  var s = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 5) // IntStream
                                  .boxed() // Stream<Integer>
                                  .map(String::valueOf) // Stream<String>

                                  since the IntStream originally is a sequence of primitive int-values elements.

                                  Another variant of performing such an operation would be :

                                  var s = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 5)
                                  .map(a -> Integer.toString(a))

                                  share|improve this answer


                                    Alternatively, you could use IntStream.boxed as :

                                    var s = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 5) // IntStream
                                    .boxed() // Stream<Integer>
                                    .map(String::valueOf) // Stream<String>

                                    since the IntStream originally is a sequence of primitive int-values elements.

                                    Another variant of performing such an operation would be :

                                    var s = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 5)
                                    .map(a -> Integer.toString(a))

                                    share|improve this answer




                                      Alternatively, you could use IntStream.boxed as :

                                      var s = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 5) // IntStream
                                      .boxed() // Stream<Integer>
                                      .map(String::valueOf) // Stream<String>

                                      since the IntStream originally is a sequence of primitive int-values elements.

                                      Another variant of performing such an operation would be :

                                      var s = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 5)
                                      .map(a -> Integer.toString(a))

                                      share|improve this answer

                                      Alternatively, you could use IntStream.boxed as :

                                      var s = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 5) // IntStream
                                      .boxed() // Stream<Integer>
                                      .map(String::valueOf) // Stream<String>

                                      since the IntStream originally is a sequence of primitive int-values elements.

                                      Another variant of performing such an operation would be :

                                      var s = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 5)
                                      .map(a -> Integer.toString(a))

                                      share|improve this answer

                                      share|improve this answer

                                      share|improve this answer

                                      edited 2 days ago

                                      answered 2 days ago




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