Noteworthy, but not so famous conjectures resolved recent years
Conjectures play important role in development of mathematics.
Mathoverflow gives an interaction platform for mathematicians from various fields, while in general it is not always easy to get in touch with what happens in the other fields.
Question What are the conjectures in your field proved or disproved (counterexample found) recent years, which are noteworthy, but not so famous outside your field ?
Answering the question you are welcome to give some comment for outsideres of your field which would help to appreciate the result.
Asking the question I keep in mind by "recent years" something like dozen years before now, by "conjecture" something which was known as an open problem for something like at least dozen years before it was proved and I would say the result for which Fields medal was awarded like proof of fundamental lemma would not fit "not so famous", but on the other hand these might not be considered as strict criterias, and let us "assume a good will" of the answerer.
soft-question big-list open-problems
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Conjectures play important role in development of mathematics.
Mathoverflow gives an interaction platform for mathematicians from various fields, while in general it is not always easy to get in touch with what happens in the other fields.
Question What are the conjectures in your field proved or disproved (counterexample found) recent years, which are noteworthy, but not so famous outside your field ?
Answering the question you are welcome to give some comment for outsideres of your field which would help to appreciate the result.
Asking the question I keep in mind by "recent years" something like dozen years before now, by "conjecture" something which was known as an open problem for something like at least dozen years before it was proved and I would say the result for which Fields medal was awarded like proof of fundamental lemma would not fit "not so famous", but on the other hand these might not be considered as strict criterias, and let us "assume a good will" of the answerer.
soft-question big-list open-problems
In number theory, the Sato-Tate conjecture about elliptic curves over $mathbf Q$ was a problem from the 1960s and Serre's conjecture on modularity of odd 2-dimensional Galois representation was a conjecture from the 1970s-1980s. Both were settled around 2008. (For ST conj., the initial proof needed a technical hypothesis -- not part of the original conj. -- of a non-integral $j$-invariant, which was later removed in 2011.) For those not familiar with these problems, their solutions use ideas coming out of the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem. And 2008 is now almost 12 years ago? Time flies...
– KConrad
@KConrad Why not turn this into an answer?
– Wojowu
What about disproved conjectures—where people have found counterexamples? Are those not worthy of being noted?
– Peter Shor
@PeterShor do you mean not worthy of being noted or noteworthy of being... knotted? Well anyway, you could ask a separate (not seperate) question. Maybe… would be a good candidate for an answer to it.
– KConrad
22 hours ago
@KConrad you are hearly welcome to convert comment to an answer, time borderline 12 years is not strict
– Alexander Chervov
18 hours ago
show 2 more comments
Conjectures play important role in development of mathematics.
Mathoverflow gives an interaction platform for mathematicians from various fields, while in general it is not always easy to get in touch with what happens in the other fields.
Question What are the conjectures in your field proved or disproved (counterexample found) recent years, which are noteworthy, but not so famous outside your field ?
Answering the question you are welcome to give some comment for outsideres of your field which would help to appreciate the result.
Asking the question I keep in mind by "recent years" something like dozen years before now, by "conjecture" something which was known as an open problem for something like at least dozen years before it was proved and I would say the result for which Fields medal was awarded like proof of fundamental lemma would not fit "not so famous", but on the other hand these might not be considered as strict criterias, and let us "assume a good will" of the answerer.
soft-question big-list open-problems
Conjectures play important role in development of mathematics.
Mathoverflow gives an interaction platform for mathematicians from various fields, while in general it is not always easy to get in touch with what happens in the other fields.
Question What are the conjectures in your field proved or disproved (counterexample found) recent years, which are noteworthy, but not so famous outside your field ?
Answering the question you are welcome to give some comment for outsideres of your field which would help to appreciate the result.
Asking the question I keep in mind by "recent years" something like dozen years before now, by "conjecture" something which was known as an open problem for something like at least dozen years before it was proved and I would say the result for which Fields medal was awarded like proof of fundamental lemma would not fit "not so famous", but on the other hand these might not be considered as strict criterias, and let us "assume a good will" of the answerer.
soft-question big-list open-problems
soft-question big-list open-problems
edited 18 hours ago
community wiki
4 revs, 2 users 100%
Alexander Chervov
In number theory, the Sato-Tate conjecture about elliptic curves over $mathbf Q$ was a problem from the 1960s and Serre's conjecture on modularity of odd 2-dimensional Galois representation was a conjecture from the 1970s-1980s. Both were settled around 2008. (For ST conj., the initial proof needed a technical hypothesis -- not part of the original conj. -- of a non-integral $j$-invariant, which was later removed in 2011.) For those not familiar with these problems, their solutions use ideas coming out of the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem. And 2008 is now almost 12 years ago? Time flies...
– KConrad
@KConrad Why not turn this into an answer?
– Wojowu
What about disproved conjectures—where people have found counterexamples? Are those not worthy of being noted?
– Peter Shor
@PeterShor do you mean not worthy of being noted or noteworthy of being... knotted? Well anyway, you could ask a separate (not seperate) question. Maybe… would be a good candidate for an answer to it.
– KConrad
22 hours ago
@KConrad you are hearly welcome to convert comment to an answer, time borderline 12 years is not strict
– Alexander Chervov
18 hours ago
show 2 more comments
In number theory, the Sato-Tate conjecture about elliptic curves over $mathbf Q$ was a problem from the 1960s and Serre's conjecture on modularity of odd 2-dimensional Galois representation was a conjecture from the 1970s-1980s. Both were settled around 2008. (For ST conj., the initial proof needed a technical hypothesis -- not part of the original conj. -- of a non-integral $j$-invariant, which was later removed in 2011.) For those not familiar with these problems, their solutions use ideas coming out of the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem. And 2008 is now almost 12 years ago? Time flies...
– KConrad
@KConrad Why not turn this into an answer?
– Wojowu
What about disproved conjectures—where people have found counterexamples? Are those not worthy of being noted?
– Peter Shor
@PeterShor do you mean not worthy of being noted or noteworthy of being... knotted? Well anyway, you could ask a separate (not seperate) question. Maybe… would be a good candidate for an answer to it.
– KConrad
22 hours ago
@KConrad you are hearly welcome to convert comment to an answer, time borderline 12 years is not strict
– Alexander Chervov
18 hours ago
In number theory, the Sato-Tate conjecture about elliptic curves over $mathbf Q$ was a problem from the 1960s and Serre's conjecture on modularity of odd 2-dimensional Galois representation was a conjecture from the 1970s-1980s. Both were settled around 2008. (For ST conj., the initial proof needed a technical hypothesis -- not part of the original conj. -- of a non-integral $j$-invariant, which was later removed in 2011.) For those not familiar with these problems, their solutions use ideas coming out of the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem. And 2008 is now almost 12 years ago? Time flies...
– KConrad
In number theory, the Sato-Tate conjecture about elliptic curves over $mathbf Q$ was a problem from the 1960s and Serre's conjecture on modularity of odd 2-dimensional Galois representation was a conjecture from the 1970s-1980s. Both were settled around 2008. (For ST conj., the initial proof needed a technical hypothesis -- not part of the original conj. -- of a non-integral $j$-invariant, which was later removed in 2011.) For those not familiar with these problems, their solutions use ideas coming out of the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem. And 2008 is now almost 12 years ago? Time flies...
– KConrad
@KConrad Why not turn this into an answer?
– Wojowu
@KConrad Why not turn this into an answer?
– Wojowu
What about disproved conjectures—where people have found counterexamples? Are those not worthy of being noted?
– Peter Shor
What about disproved conjectures—where people have found counterexamples? Are those not worthy of being noted?
– Peter Shor
@PeterShor do you mean not worthy of being noted or noteworthy of being... knotted? Well anyway, you could ask a separate (not seperate) question. Maybe… would be a good candidate for an answer to it.
– KConrad
22 hours ago
@PeterShor do you mean not worthy of being noted or noteworthy of being... knotted? Well anyway, you could ask a separate (not seperate) question. Maybe… would be a good candidate for an answer to it.
– KConrad
22 hours ago
@KConrad you are hearly welcome to convert comment to an answer, time borderline 12 years is not strict
– Alexander Chervov
18 hours ago
@KConrad you are hearly welcome to convert comment to an answer, time borderline 12 years is not strict
– Alexander Chervov
18 hours ago
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9 Answers
Karim Adiprasito proved the g-conjecture for spheres in a preprint that was posted in December of last year:
This was probably considered the biggest open problem in the combinatorics of simplicial complexes. See Gil Kalai's blog post:
$begingroup$… reddit post with some (technical) comments by the author.
– Asvin
add a comment |
Hinged dissections exist.
(See 3-piece dissection of square to equilateral triangle? for an animation of Dudeney's famous equilateral-triangle-to-square hinged dissection.)
Abbott, Timothy G., Zachary Abel, David Charlton, Erik D. Demaine, Martin L. Demaine, and Scott Duke Kominers. "Hinged dissections exist." Discrete & Computational Geometry 47, no. 1 (2012): 150-186.
Springer link.
"Abstract. We prove that any finite collection of polygons of equal area has a common hinged dissection. That
is, for any such collection of polygons there exists a chain of polygons hinged at vertices that can be
folded in the plane continuously without self-intersection to form any polygon in the collection. This
result settles the open problem about the existence of hinged dissections between pairs of polygons that
goes back implicitly to 1864 and has been studied extensively in the past ten years."

The proof is not simple—as hinted by the above figure—but it is constructive.
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The homological conjectures in commutative algebra using perfectoid methods. A survey on many recent developments written by André can be found here.
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Konstantin Tikhomirov recently proved that the probability that a random $ntimes n$ Bernoulli matrix $M_n$ with independent $pm 1$ entries, and $$mathbb{P}[M_{ij}=1]=p,quad 1leq i,jleq n,$$ is singular is
for any fixed $pin (0,1/2].$
This problem was considered by Komlos, Kahn-Komlos-Szemeredi, Bourgain, Tao-Vu etc., so I am unsure if it qualifies in terms of being not-so-famous.
Nevertheless it was exciting reading about it in Gil Kalai's blog here .
add a comment |
The Audin conjecture in symplectic topology, posed in 1988 by Audin in her famous paper on Lagrangian immersions, asserts that all Lagrangian tori in the standard symplectic vector space have minimal Maslov number 2. This was recently proven by Cieliebak and Mohnke:
That paper nicely summarises the history of the conjecture:
"This question was answered earlier for n = 2 by Viterbo [57] and Polterovich [54], in the monotone case for n ≤ 24 by Oh [52], and in the monotone case for general n by Buhovsky [12] and by Fukaya, Oh, Ohta and Ono [28, Theorem 6.4.35], see also Damian [22]. A different approach has been outlined by Fukaya [27]. The scheme to prove Audin’s conjecture using punctured holomorphic curves was suggested by Y. Eliashberg around 2001. The reason it took over 10 years to complete this paper are transversality problems in the non-monotone case."
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The strong no loop conjecture for quiver algebras $A$ states that a simple module $S$ with $Ext_A^1(S,S) neq 0$ has infinite projective dimension. It was proven here .
The more general conjecture for Artin algebras is still open.
(The result can be used to check for finite global dimension of endomorphism algebras, see for example Does this algebra have finite global dimension ? (Human vs computer).)
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Ladner's theorem states that there exist $mathsf{NP}$-intermediate problems when $mathsf{P}neqmathsf{NP}$. However, the problem constructed in Ladner's proof is rather 'unnatural'. The question arises of whether any 'natural' examples of problems can be $mathsf{NP}$-intermediate.
The Dichotomy Conjecture of Feder and Vardi (first stated here) states that, under the assumption that $mathsf{P}neqmathsf{NP}$, the computational problems known as constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs for short) are either $mathsf{NP}$-complete or belong to $mathsf{P}$.
The consensus in the community (last I knew) is that Dmitriy Zhuk ( and Andrei Bulatov ( have independently proven the conjecture to be true. Their proofs cap a decades long approach of applying universal algebra to the question.
Amateur mathematician here. How does the first paragraph relate to the rest of this post? The Dichotomy Conjecture being proved neither proves nor disproves the question of "natural NP-intermediate examples", does it? It proves there are no CSPs, but surely there are "natural" non-CSP problems?
– BlueRaja
13 hours ago
@BlueRaja You are correct. The stated result essentially says that if we want to find NP-intermediate problems, then we have to look into problems more complicated than CSPs.
– Wojowu
12 hours ago
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The Hall-Paige conjecture, first posed in 1955 by Marshall Hall and L. J. Paige, is the following:
A finite group $G$ has a complete mapping if and only if its Sylow $2$-subgroups are not cyclic.
Note that a complete mapping is a bijection $phi : G to G$ such that the function given by $psi(g) = g phi(g)$ is also a bijection. The above statement was shown to be necessary by Hall and Paige, but its sufficiency remained open until very recently; in 2009, it was shown to be sufficient to only check the cases when $G$ is a finite simple group, and the same year all finite simple groups except for $J_4$ were shown to satisfy the conjecture. John Bray then dealt with this final case in unpublished work, and Peter Cameron was able to convince him (see this) to publish these noteworthy calculations many years later; the final proof of the Hall-Paige conjecture, together with some consequences of it regarding synchronicity in groups, was written up in 2018 and can be found as a preprint on the arXiv.
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Graph theory / Discrete dynamics: In 2007, A. Trahtman proved the Road Coloring Conjecture, which had been posited 37 years earlier by R. Adler and B. Weiss.
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9 Answers
9 Answers
Karim Adiprasito proved the g-conjecture for spheres in a preprint that was posted in December of last year:
This was probably considered the biggest open problem in the combinatorics of simplicial complexes. See Gil Kalai's blog post:
$begingroup$… reddit post with some (technical) comments by the author.
– Asvin
add a comment |
Karim Adiprasito proved the g-conjecture for spheres in a preprint that was posted in December of last year:
This was probably considered the biggest open problem in the combinatorics of simplicial complexes. See Gil Kalai's blog post:
$begingroup$… reddit post with some (technical) comments by the author.
– Asvin
add a comment |
Karim Adiprasito proved the g-conjecture for spheres in a preprint that was posted in December of last year:
This was probably considered the biggest open problem in the combinatorics of simplicial complexes. See Gil Kalai's blog post:
Karim Adiprasito proved the g-conjecture for spheres in a preprint that was posted in December of last year:
This was probably considered the biggest open problem in the combinatorics of simplicial complexes. See Gil Kalai's blog post:
answered yesterday
community wiki
Sam Hopkins
$begingroup$… reddit post with some (technical) comments by the author.
– Asvin
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$begingroup$… reddit post with some (technical) comments by the author.
– Asvin
$begingroup$… reddit post with some (technical) comments by the author.
– Asvin
$begingroup$… reddit post with some (technical) comments by the author.
– Asvin
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Hinged dissections exist.
(See 3-piece dissection of square to equilateral triangle? for an animation of Dudeney's famous equilateral-triangle-to-square hinged dissection.)
Abbott, Timothy G., Zachary Abel, David Charlton, Erik D. Demaine, Martin L. Demaine, and Scott Duke Kominers. "Hinged dissections exist." Discrete & Computational Geometry 47, no. 1 (2012): 150-186.
Springer link.
"Abstract. We prove that any finite collection of polygons of equal area has a common hinged dissection. That
is, for any such collection of polygons there exists a chain of polygons hinged at vertices that can be
folded in the plane continuously without self-intersection to form any polygon in the collection. This
result settles the open problem about the existence of hinged dissections between pairs of polygons that
goes back implicitly to 1864 and has been studied extensively in the past ten years."

The proof is not simple—as hinted by the above figure—but it is constructive.
add a comment |
Hinged dissections exist.
(See 3-piece dissection of square to equilateral triangle? for an animation of Dudeney's famous equilateral-triangle-to-square hinged dissection.)
Abbott, Timothy G., Zachary Abel, David Charlton, Erik D. Demaine, Martin L. Demaine, and Scott Duke Kominers. "Hinged dissections exist." Discrete & Computational Geometry 47, no. 1 (2012): 150-186.
Springer link.
"Abstract. We prove that any finite collection of polygons of equal area has a common hinged dissection. That
is, for any such collection of polygons there exists a chain of polygons hinged at vertices that can be
folded in the plane continuously without self-intersection to form any polygon in the collection. This
result settles the open problem about the existence of hinged dissections between pairs of polygons that
goes back implicitly to 1864 and has been studied extensively in the past ten years."

The proof is not simple—as hinted by the above figure—but it is constructive.
add a comment |
Hinged dissections exist.
(See 3-piece dissection of square to equilateral triangle? for an animation of Dudeney's famous equilateral-triangle-to-square hinged dissection.)
Abbott, Timothy G., Zachary Abel, David Charlton, Erik D. Demaine, Martin L. Demaine, and Scott Duke Kominers. "Hinged dissections exist." Discrete & Computational Geometry 47, no. 1 (2012): 150-186.
Springer link.
"Abstract. We prove that any finite collection of polygons of equal area has a common hinged dissection. That
is, for any such collection of polygons there exists a chain of polygons hinged at vertices that can be
folded in the plane continuously without self-intersection to form any polygon in the collection. This
result settles the open problem about the existence of hinged dissections between pairs of polygons that
goes back implicitly to 1864 and has been studied extensively in the past ten years."

The proof is not simple—as hinted by the above figure—but it is constructive.
Hinged dissections exist.
(See 3-piece dissection of square to equilateral triangle? for an animation of Dudeney's famous equilateral-triangle-to-square hinged dissection.)
Abbott, Timothy G., Zachary Abel, David Charlton, Erik D. Demaine, Martin L. Demaine, and Scott Duke Kominers. "Hinged dissections exist." Discrete & Computational Geometry 47, no. 1 (2012): 150-186.
Springer link.
"Abstract. We prove that any finite collection of polygons of equal area has a common hinged dissection. That
is, for any such collection of polygons there exists a chain of polygons hinged at vertices that can be
folded in the plane continuously without self-intersection to form any polygon in the collection. This
result settles the open problem about the existence of hinged dissections between pairs of polygons that
goes back implicitly to 1864 and has been studied extensively in the past ten years."

The proof is not simple—as hinted by the above figure—but it is constructive.
edited yesterday
community wiki
Joseph O'Rourke
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The homological conjectures in commutative algebra using perfectoid methods. A survey on many recent developments written by André can be found here.
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The homological conjectures in commutative algebra using perfectoid methods. A survey on many recent developments written by André can be found here.
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The homological conjectures in commutative algebra using perfectoid methods. A survey on many recent developments written by André can be found here.
The homological conjectures in commutative algebra using perfectoid methods. A survey on many recent developments written by André can be found here.
answered yesterday
community wiki
Hailong Dao
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Konstantin Tikhomirov recently proved that the probability that a random $ntimes n$ Bernoulli matrix $M_n$ with independent $pm 1$ entries, and $$mathbb{P}[M_{ij}=1]=p,quad 1leq i,jleq n,$$ is singular is
for any fixed $pin (0,1/2].$
This problem was considered by Komlos, Kahn-Komlos-Szemeredi, Bourgain, Tao-Vu etc., so I am unsure if it qualifies in terms of being not-so-famous.
Nevertheless it was exciting reading about it in Gil Kalai's blog here .
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Konstantin Tikhomirov recently proved that the probability that a random $ntimes n$ Bernoulli matrix $M_n$ with independent $pm 1$ entries, and $$mathbb{P}[M_{ij}=1]=p,quad 1leq i,jleq n,$$ is singular is
for any fixed $pin (0,1/2].$
This problem was considered by Komlos, Kahn-Komlos-Szemeredi, Bourgain, Tao-Vu etc., so I am unsure if it qualifies in terms of being not-so-famous.
Nevertheless it was exciting reading about it in Gil Kalai's blog here .
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Konstantin Tikhomirov recently proved that the probability that a random $ntimes n$ Bernoulli matrix $M_n$ with independent $pm 1$ entries, and $$mathbb{P}[M_{ij}=1]=p,quad 1leq i,jleq n,$$ is singular is
for any fixed $pin (0,1/2].$
This problem was considered by Komlos, Kahn-Komlos-Szemeredi, Bourgain, Tao-Vu etc., so I am unsure if it qualifies in terms of being not-so-famous.
Nevertheless it was exciting reading about it in Gil Kalai's blog here .
Konstantin Tikhomirov recently proved that the probability that a random $ntimes n$ Bernoulli matrix $M_n$ with independent $pm 1$ entries, and $$mathbb{P}[M_{ij}=1]=p,quad 1leq i,jleq n,$$ is singular is
for any fixed $pin (0,1/2].$
This problem was considered by Komlos, Kahn-Komlos-Szemeredi, Bourgain, Tao-Vu etc., so I am unsure if it qualifies in terms of being not-so-famous.
Nevertheless it was exciting reading about it in Gil Kalai's blog here .
answered yesterday
community wiki
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The Audin conjecture in symplectic topology, posed in 1988 by Audin in her famous paper on Lagrangian immersions, asserts that all Lagrangian tori in the standard symplectic vector space have minimal Maslov number 2. This was recently proven by Cieliebak and Mohnke:
That paper nicely summarises the history of the conjecture:
"This question was answered earlier for n = 2 by Viterbo [57] and Polterovich [54], in the monotone case for n ≤ 24 by Oh [52], and in the monotone case for general n by Buhovsky [12] and by Fukaya, Oh, Ohta and Ono [28, Theorem 6.4.35], see also Damian [22]. A different approach has been outlined by Fukaya [27]. The scheme to prove Audin’s conjecture using punctured holomorphic curves was suggested by Y. Eliashberg around 2001. The reason it took over 10 years to complete this paper are transversality problems in the non-monotone case."
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The Audin conjecture in symplectic topology, posed in 1988 by Audin in her famous paper on Lagrangian immersions, asserts that all Lagrangian tori in the standard symplectic vector space have minimal Maslov number 2. This was recently proven by Cieliebak and Mohnke:
That paper nicely summarises the history of the conjecture:
"This question was answered earlier for n = 2 by Viterbo [57] and Polterovich [54], in the monotone case for n ≤ 24 by Oh [52], and in the monotone case for general n by Buhovsky [12] and by Fukaya, Oh, Ohta and Ono [28, Theorem 6.4.35], see also Damian [22]. A different approach has been outlined by Fukaya [27]. The scheme to prove Audin’s conjecture using punctured holomorphic curves was suggested by Y. Eliashberg around 2001. The reason it took over 10 years to complete this paper are transversality problems in the non-monotone case."
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The Audin conjecture in symplectic topology, posed in 1988 by Audin in her famous paper on Lagrangian immersions, asserts that all Lagrangian tori in the standard symplectic vector space have minimal Maslov number 2. This was recently proven by Cieliebak and Mohnke:
That paper nicely summarises the history of the conjecture:
"This question was answered earlier for n = 2 by Viterbo [57] and Polterovich [54], in the monotone case for n ≤ 24 by Oh [52], and in the monotone case for general n by Buhovsky [12] and by Fukaya, Oh, Ohta and Ono [28, Theorem 6.4.35], see also Damian [22]. A different approach has been outlined by Fukaya [27]. The scheme to prove Audin’s conjecture using punctured holomorphic curves was suggested by Y. Eliashberg around 2001. The reason it took over 10 years to complete this paper are transversality problems in the non-monotone case."
The Audin conjecture in symplectic topology, posed in 1988 by Audin in her famous paper on Lagrangian immersions, asserts that all Lagrangian tori in the standard symplectic vector space have minimal Maslov number 2. This was recently proven by Cieliebak and Mohnke:
That paper nicely summarises the history of the conjecture:
"This question was answered earlier for n = 2 by Viterbo [57] and Polterovich [54], in the monotone case for n ≤ 24 by Oh [52], and in the monotone case for general n by Buhovsky [12] and by Fukaya, Oh, Ohta and Ono [28, Theorem 6.4.35], see also Damian [22]. A different approach has been outlined by Fukaya [27]. The scheme to prove Audin’s conjecture using punctured holomorphic curves was suggested by Y. Eliashberg around 2001. The reason it took over 10 years to complete this paper are transversality problems in the non-monotone case."
answered yesterday
community wiki
Jonny Evans
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The strong no loop conjecture for quiver algebras $A$ states that a simple module $S$ with $Ext_A^1(S,S) neq 0$ has infinite projective dimension. It was proven here .
The more general conjecture for Artin algebras is still open.
(The result can be used to check for finite global dimension of endomorphism algebras, see for example Does this algebra have finite global dimension ? (Human vs computer).)
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The strong no loop conjecture for quiver algebras $A$ states that a simple module $S$ with $Ext_A^1(S,S) neq 0$ has infinite projective dimension. It was proven here .
The more general conjecture for Artin algebras is still open.
(The result can be used to check for finite global dimension of endomorphism algebras, see for example Does this algebra have finite global dimension ? (Human vs computer).)
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The strong no loop conjecture for quiver algebras $A$ states that a simple module $S$ with $Ext_A^1(S,S) neq 0$ has infinite projective dimension. It was proven here .
The more general conjecture for Artin algebras is still open.
(The result can be used to check for finite global dimension of endomorphism algebras, see for example Does this algebra have finite global dimension ? (Human vs computer).)
The strong no loop conjecture for quiver algebras $A$ states that a simple module $S$ with $Ext_A^1(S,S) neq 0$ has infinite projective dimension. It was proven here .
The more general conjecture for Artin algebras is still open.
(The result can be used to check for finite global dimension of endomorphism algebras, see for example Does this algebra have finite global dimension ? (Human vs computer).)
answered yesterday
community wiki
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Ladner's theorem states that there exist $mathsf{NP}$-intermediate problems when $mathsf{P}neqmathsf{NP}$. However, the problem constructed in Ladner's proof is rather 'unnatural'. The question arises of whether any 'natural' examples of problems can be $mathsf{NP}$-intermediate.
The Dichotomy Conjecture of Feder and Vardi (first stated here) states that, under the assumption that $mathsf{P}neqmathsf{NP}$, the computational problems known as constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs for short) are either $mathsf{NP}$-complete or belong to $mathsf{P}$.
The consensus in the community (last I knew) is that Dmitriy Zhuk ( and Andrei Bulatov ( have independently proven the conjecture to be true. Their proofs cap a decades long approach of applying universal algebra to the question.
Amateur mathematician here. How does the first paragraph relate to the rest of this post? The Dichotomy Conjecture being proved neither proves nor disproves the question of "natural NP-intermediate examples", does it? It proves there are no CSPs, but surely there are "natural" non-CSP problems?
– BlueRaja
13 hours ago
@BlueRaja You are correct. The stated result essentially says that if we want to find NP-intermediate problems, then we have to look into problems more complicated than CSPs.
– Wojowu
12 hours ago
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Ladner's theorem states that there exist $mathsf{NP}$-intermediate problems when $mathsf{P}neqmathsf{NP}$. However, the problem constructed in Ladner's proof is rather 'unnatural'. The question arises of whether any 'natural' examples of problems can be $mathsf{NP}$-intermediate.
The Dichotomy Conjecture of Feder and Vardi (first stated here) states that, under the assumption that $mathsf{P}neqmathsf{NP}$, the computational problems known as constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs for short) are either $mathsf{NP}$-complete or belong to $mathsf{P}$.
The consensus in the community (last I knew) is that Dmitriy Zhuk ( and Andrei Bulatov ( have independently proven the conjecture to be true. Their proofs cap a decades long approach of applying universal algebra to the question.
Amateur mathematician here. How does the first paragraph relate to the rest of this post? The Dichotomy Conjecture being proved neither proves nor disproves the question of "natural NP-intermediate examples", does it? It proves there are no CSPs, but surely there are "natural" non-CSP problems?
– BlueRaja
13 hours ago
@BlueRaja You are correct. The stated result essentially says that if we want to find NP-intermediate problems, then we have to look into problems more complicated than CSPs.
– Wojowu
12 hours ago
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Ladner's theorem states that there exist $mathsf{NP}$-intermediate problems when $mathsf{P}neqmathsf{NP}$. However, the problem constructed in Ladner's proof is rather 'unnatural'. The question arises of whether any 'natural' examples of problems can be $mathsf{NP}$-intermediate.
The Dichotomy Conjecture of Feder and Vardi (first stated here) states that, under the assumption that $mathsf{P}neqmathsf{NP}$, the computational problems known as constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs for short) are either $mathsf{NP}$-complete or belong to $mathsf{P}$.
The consensus in the community (last I knew) is that Dmitriy Zhuk ( and Andrei Bulatov ( have independently proven the conjecture to be true. Their proofs cap a decades long approach of applying universal algebra to the question.
Ladner's theorem states that there exist $mathsf{NP}$-intermediate problems when $mathsf{P}neqmathsf{NP}$. However, the problem constructed in Ladner's proof is rather 'unnatural'. The question arises of whether any 'natural' examples of problems can be $mathsf{NP}$-intermediate.
The Dichotomy Conjecture of Feder and Vardi (first stated here) states that, under the assumption that $mathsf{P}neqmathsf{NP}$, the computational problems known as constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs for short) are either $mathsf{NP}$-complete or belong to $mathsf{P}$.
The consensus in the community (last I knew) is that Dmitriy Zhuk ( and Andrei Bulatov ( have independently proven the conjecture to be true. Their proofs cap a decades long approach of applying universal algebra to the question.
answered yesterday
community wiki
Amateur mathematician here. How does the first paragraph relate to the rest of this post? The Dichotomy Conjecture being proved neither proves nor disproves the question of "natural NP-intermediate examples", does it? It proves there are no CSPs, but surely there are "natural" non-CSP problems?
– BlueRaja
13 hours ago
@BlueRaja You are correct. The stated result essentially says that if we want to find NP-intermediate problems, then we have to look into problems more complicated than CSPs.
– Wojowu
12 hours ago
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Amateur mathematician here. How does the first paragraph relate to the rest of this post? The Dichotomy Conjecture being proved neither proves nor disproves the question of "natural NP-intermediate examples", does it? It proves there are no CSPs, but surely there are "natural" non-CSP problems?
– BlueRaja
13 hours ago
@BlueRaja You are correct. The stated result essentially says that if we want to find NP-intermediate problems, then we have to look into problems more complicated than CSPs.
– Wojowu
12 hours ago
Amateur mathematician here. How does the first paragraph relate to the rest of this post? The Dichotomy Conjecture being proved neither proves nor disproves the question of "natural NP-intermediate examples", does it? It proves there are no CSPs, but surely there are "natural" non-CSP problems?
– BlueRaja
13 hours ago
Amateur mathematician here. How does the first paragraph relate to the rest of this post? The Dichotomy Conjecture being proved neither proves nor disproves the question of "natural NP-intermediate examples", does it? It proves there are no CSPs, but surely there are "natural" non-CSP problems?
– BlueRaja
13 hours ago
@BlueRaja You are correct. The stated result essentially says that if we want to find NP-intermediate problems, then we have to look into problems more complicated than CSPs.
– Wojowu
12 hours ago
@BlueRaja You are correct. The stated result essentially says that if we want to find NP-intermediate problems, then we have to look into problems more complicated than CSPs.
– Wojowu
12 hours ago
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The Hall-Paige conjecture, first posed in 1955 by Marshall Hall and L. J. Paige, is the following:
A finite group $G$ has a complete mapping if and only if its Sylow $2$-subgroups are not cyclic.
Note that a complete mapping is a bijection $phi : G to G$ such that the function given by $psi(g) = g phi(g)$ is also a bijection. The above statement was shown to be necessary by Hall and Paige, but its sufficiency remained open until very recently; in 2009, it was shown to be sufficient to only check the cases when $G$ is a finite simple group, and the same year all finite simple groups except for $J_4$ were shown to satisfy the conjecture. John Bray then dealt with this final case in unpublished work, and Peter Cameron was able to convince him (see this) to publish these noteworthy calculations many years later; the final proof of the Hall-Paige conjecture, together with some consequences of it regarding synchronicity in groups, was written up in 2018 and can be found as a preprint on the arXiv.
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The Hall-Paige conjecture, first posed in 1955 by Marshall Hall and L. J. Paige, is the following:
A finite group $G$ has a complete mapping if and only if its Sylow $2$-subgroups are not cyclic.
Note that a complete mapping is a bijection $phi : G to G$ such that the function given by $psi(g) = g phi(g)$ is also a bijection. The above statement was shown to be necessary by Hall and Paige, but its sufficiency remained open until very recently; in 2009, it was shown to be sufficient to only check the cases when $G$ is a finite simple group, and the same year all finite simple groups except for $J_4$ were shown to satisfy the conjecture. John Bray then dealt with this final case in unpublished work, and Peter Cameron was able to convince him (see this) to publish these noteworthy calculations many years later; the final proof of the Hall-Paige conjecture, together with some consequences of it regarding synchronicity in groups, was written up in 2018 and can be found as a preprint on the arXiv.
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The Hall-Paige conjecture, first posed in 1955 by Marshall Hall and L. J. Paige, is the following:
A finite group $G$ has a complete mapping if and only if its Sylow $2$-subgroups are not cyclic.
Note that a complete mapping is a bijection $phi : G to G$ such that the function given by $psi(g) = g phi(g)$ is also a bijection. The above statement was shown to be necessary by Hall and Paige, but its sufficiency remained open until very recently; in 2009, it was shown to be sufficient to only check the cases when $G$ is a finite simple group, and the same year all finite simple groups except for $J_4$ were shown to satisfy the conjecture. John Bray then dealt with this final case in unpublished work, and Peter Cameron was able to convince him (see this) to publish these noteworthy calculations many years later; the final proof of the Hall-Paige conjecture, together with some consequences of it regarding synchronicity in groups, was written up in 2018 and can be found as a preprint on the arXiv.
The Hall-Paige conjecture, first posed in 1955 by Marshall Hall and L. J. Paige, is the following:
A finite group $G$ has a complete mapping if and only if its Sylow $2$-subgroups are not cyclic.
Note that a complete mapping is a bijection $phi : G to G$ such that the function given by $psi(g) = g phi(g)$ is also a bijection. The above statement was shown to be necessary by Hall and Paige, but its sufficiency remained open until very recently; in 2009, it was shown to be sufficient to only check the cases when $G$ is a finite simple group, and the same year all finite simple groups except for $J_4$ were shown to satisfy the conjecture. John Bray then dealt with this final case in unpublished work, and Peter Cameron was able to convince him (see this) to publish these noteworthy calculations many years later; the final proof of the Hall-Paige conjecture, together with some consequences of it regarding synchronicity in groups, was written up in 2018 and can be found as a preprint on the arXiv.
answered 16 hours ago
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Carl-Fredrik Nyberg Brodda
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Graph theory / Discrete dynamics: In 2007, A. Trahtman proved the Road Coloring Conjecture, which had been posited 37 years earlier by R. Adler and B. Weiss.
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Graph theory / Discrete dynamics: In 2007, A. Trahtman proved the Road Coloring Conjecture, which had been posited 37 years earlier by R. Adler and B. Weiss.
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Graph theory / Discrete dynamics: In 2007, A. Trahtman proved the Road Coloring Conjecture, which had been posited 37 years earlier by R. Adler and B. Weiss.
Graph theory / Discrete dynamics: In 2007, A. Trahtman proved the Road Coloring Conjecture, which had been posited 37 years earlier by R. Adler and B. Weiss.
answered 18 hours ago
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Rodrigo A. Pérez
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In number theory, the Sato-Tate conjecture about elliptic curves over $mathbf Q$ was a problem from the 1960s and Serre's conjecture on modularity of odd 2-dimensional Galois representation was a conjecture from the 1970s-1980s. Both were settled around 2008. (For ST conj., the initial proof needed a technical hypothesis -- not part of the original conj. -- of a non-integral $j$-invariant, which was later removed in 2011.) For those not familiar with these problems, their solutions use ideas coming out of the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem. And 2008 is now almost 12 years ago? Time flies...
– KConrad
@KConrad Why not turn this into an answer?
– Wojowu
What about disproved conjectures—where people have found counterexamples? Are those not worthy of being noted?
– Peter Shor
@PeterShor do you mean not worthy of being noted or noteworthy of being... knotted? Well anyway, you could ask a separate (not seperate) question. Maybe… would be a good candidate for an answer to it.
– KConrad
22 hours ago
@KConrad you are hearly welcome to convert comment to an answer, time borderline 12 years is not strict
– Alexander Chervov
18 hours ago