Why would HR think it's inappropriate that I visited a coworker in the hospital?


I just got out of a meeting with my supervisor and a member of our HR department, giving me a "formal warning" for engaging in inappropriate conduct by visiting a coworker in the hospital.

HR told me doing this was violating their rules on employee relationships. We're both men and in about the same position in different departments. I was trying to be courteous in the HR meeting while still pushing for details on why they thought it was inappropriate, and all the representative could tell me was "It's against the rules. Read the handbook".

I'm not sure how I could avoid future inappropriate situations if I can't find anything inappropriate about this one. What did I do wrong?

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Erguy is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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    Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been moved to chat.

    – Jane S

  • 17

    Seeing as my comment asking for clarification has (once again on this particular stackexchange) been removed along with everything else, I now voted to close as the question is unclear.

    – Sebastiaan van den Broek
    20 hours ago

  • 3

    How's your co-worker doing?

    – Strawberry
    12 hours ago

  • 1

    I've been ill in hospital for a week, and was visited separately by the company owner and a coworker - it was definitely appreciated at the time. Hospitals are boring! Did you go on work time?

    – Criggie
    8 hours ago

  • This looks really insane. There are boundaries of the employment agreement and your employer can't simply dictate what you are supposed to do or not to do in your free time. They are trespassing your private life area.

    – ElmoVanKielmo
    6 hours ago


I just got out of a meeting with my supervisor and a member of our HR department, giving me a "formal warning" for engaging in inappropriate conduct by visiting a coworker in the hospital.

HR told me doing this was violating their rules on employee relationships. We're both men and in about the same position in different departments. I was trying to be courteous in the HR meeting while still pushing for details on why they thought it was inappropriate, and all the representative could tell me was "It's against the rules. Read the handbook".

I'm not sure how I could avoid future inappropriate situations if I can't find anything inappropriate about this one. What did I do wrong?

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New contributor

Erguy is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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  • 1

    Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been moved to chat.

    – Jane S

  • 17

    Seeing as my comment asking for clarification has (once again on this particular stackexchange) been removed along with everything else, I now voted to close as the question is unclear.

    – Sebastiaan van den Broek
    20 hours ago

  • 3

    How's your co-worker doing?

    – Strawberry
    12 hours ago

  • 1

    I've been ill in hospital for a week, and was visited separately by the company owner and a coworker - it was definitely appreciated at the time. Hospitals are boring! Did you go on work time?

    – Criggie
    8 hours ago

  • This looks really insane. There are boundaries of the employment agreement and your employer can't simply dictate what you are supposed to do or not to do in your free time. They are trespassing your private life area.

    – ElmoVanKielmo
    6 hours ago





I just got out of a meeting with my supervisor and a member of our HR department, giving me a "formal warning" for engaging in inappropriate conduct by visiting a coworker in the hospital.

HR told me doing this was violating their rules on employee relationships. We're both men and in about the same position in different departments. I was trying to be courteous in the HR meeting while still pushing for details on why they thought it was inappropriate, and all the representative could tell me was "It's against the rules. Read the handbook".

I'm not sure how I could avoid future inappropriate situations if I can't find anything inappropriate about this one. What did I do wrong?

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New contributor

Erguy is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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I just got out of a meeting with my supervisor and a member of our HR department, giving me a "formal warning" for engaging in inappropriate conduct by visiting a coworker in the hospital.

HR told me doing this was violating their rules on employee relationships. We're both men and in about the same position in different departments. I was trying to be courteous in the HR meeting while still pushing for details on why they thought it was inappropriate, and all the representative could tell me was "It's against the rules. Read the handbook".

I'm not sure how I could avoid future inappropriate situations if I can't find anything inappropriate about this one. What did I do wrong?

colleagues unprofessional-behavior health

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Erguy is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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Erguy is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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edited 2 days ago


New contributor

Erguy is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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asked 2 days ago




New contributor

Erguy is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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New contributor

Erguy is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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Erguy is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • 1

    Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been moved to chat.

    – Jane S

  • 17

    Seeing as my comment asking for clarification has (once again on this particular stackexchange) been removed along with everything else, I now voted to close as the question is unclear.

    – Sebastiaan van den Broek
    20 hours ago

  • 3

    How's your co-worker doing?

    – Strawberry
    12 hours ago

  • 1

    I've been ill in hospital for a week, and was visited separately by the company owner and a coworker - it was definitely appreciated at the time. Hospitals are boring! Did you go on work time?

    – Criggie
    8 hours ago

  • This looks really insane. There are boundaries of the employment agreement and your employer can't simply dictate what you are supposed to do or not to do in your free time. They are trespassing your private life area.

    – ElmoVanKielmo
    6 hours ago

  • 1

    Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been moved to chat.

    – Jane S

  • 17

    Seeing as my comment asking for clarification has (once again on this particular stackexchange) been removed along with everything else, I now voted to close as the question is unclear.

    – Sebastiaan van den Broek
    20 hours ago

  • 3

    How's your co-worker doing?

    – Strawberry
    12 hours ago

  • 1

    I've been ill in hospital for a week, and was visited separately by the company owner and a coworker - it was definitely appreciated at the time. Hospitals are boring! Did you go on work time?

    – Criggie
    8 hours ago

  • This looks really insane. There are boundaries of the employment agreement and your employer can't simply dictate what you are supposed to do or not to do in your free time. They are trespassing your private life area.

    – ElmoVanKielmo
    6 hours ago



Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been moved to chat.

– Jane S

Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been moved to chat.

– Jane S



Seeing as my comment asking for clarification has (once again on this particular stackexchange) been removed along with everything else, I now voted to close as the question is unclear.

– Sebastiaan van den Broek
20 hours ago

Seeing as my comment asking for clarification has (once again on this particular stackexchange) been removed along with everything else, I now voted to close as the question is unclear.

– Sebastiaan van den Broek
20 hours ago



How's your co-worker doing?

– Strawberry
12 hours ago

How's your co-worker doing?

– Strawberry
12 hours ago



I've been ill in hospital for a week, and was visited separately by the company owner and a coworker - it was definitely appreciated at the time. Hospitals are boring! Did you go on work time?

– Criggie
8 hours ago

I've been ill in hospital for a week, and was visited separately by the company owner and a coworker - it was definitely appreciated at the time. Hospitals are boring! Did you go on work time?

– Criggie
8 hours ago

This looks really insane. There are boundaries of the employment agreement and your employer can't simply dictate what you are supposed to do or not to do in your free time. They are trespassing your private life area.

– ElmoVanKielmo
6 hours ago

This looks really insane. There are boundaries of the employment agreement and your employer can't simply dictate what you are supposed to do or not to do in your free time. They are trespassing your private life area.

– ElmoVanKielmo
6 hours ago

10 Answers





We can not tell you what you did wrong (that sounds odd to me too), but your HR person has given you the hook you need by claiming that the employee handbook forbids it. This means you can (politely) ask the HR person to point out the relevant policy, so you can review it and make sure you understand it.

If you'd thought of this during the meeting you could have said something like "oh, I didn't remember that from when I read the handbook; could you show me where so I can review it?". After the fact, your best bet is to send email (so you'll have a "paper" trail). In the email you want to convey: (1) you want to follow your employer's policies, (2) you didn't know you hadn't, so (3) you want to review to avoid future problems. Be polite, not confrontational; if it turns out the HR person is wrong, you can deal with that later. Here's a sample message, which assumes that you've checked the handbook and couldn't find the relevant part:

Dear HR person,

Thank you for letting me know about our policy against hospital visits. I'd like to review the relevant policies again so I can be sure to avoid future problems. I'm having trouble finding this in my copy of the handbook; could you please tell me where I should be looking? Thank you.

Specific followup would depend on what you learn; there are too many possibilities to plan for all of them in advance. Email like this should elicit the information you need to decide what to do next.

share|improve this answer

  • 53

    I like that phrasing, as it is polite and non-confrontative. It seems OP has already pushed for details, let's hope this email will shed some light... otherwise I'd say reading the handbook (again?) would be a good idea.

    – DarkCygnus
    2 days ago

  • 19

    I mean, it's most likely going to be some passage along the line of respecting co-workers boundaries or maintaining a strictly professional relationships, which is completely up to interpretation.

    – SpeedOfRound
    2 days ago

  • 4

    I think this is the best answer, but I am really curious if HR not being able to provide this information makes company susceptible for creating a hostile environment... It would be a groundless action against a basic humane reaction of empathy. I understand this might be out of scope of the answer, but I got personally upset, and maybe it's worth of addressing or a question of it's own. Should it be legal to punish an individual for caring for another one bearing no professional nor immediate business consequences. I completely fail to see reasoning behind such policy. Antistalking?

    – luk32
    2 days ago

  • 14

    @Erguy Could you please let us know what happens?

    – Ovi
    2 days ago

  • 16

    @luk32 there are lots of possibilities, depending on what the details are that aren't in the question. Rather than speculate about them, I suggest the OP ask directly. Possibly it was unwanted contact (the employee wanted to keep it private), possibly there's a concern about asking a sick employee who might go out on disability to do anything work-related, possibly there's a concern about accidental disclosures of corporate secrets, possibly the HR person is mistaken... asking to see the policy should move things forward.

    – Monica Cellio
    2 days ago


I think that there is a different point of view that's not being considered here, but it's difficult to know for sure with the little detail that you provided in your question.

It seems very unusual and unlikely that HR would have a policy that prohibits something as simple as a visit to a co-worker in the hospital. Obviously, I'm basing this off of my experience living and working in the United States, other cultures may have different norms for this type of behavior. So you need to respect the norms and work culture where you are.

But ultimately this sounds to me as if the person you visited may have been uncomfortable with your visit and reached out to HR or their supervisor. Perhaps they are embarrassed, or uncomfortable with interacting with you outside of the office for something that they consider to be a very personal and private matter.

share|improve this answer

  • 5

    You may well be right. It's still a totally odd move on the part of the company to treat it this way. There's nothing culturally inappropriate about this visit (on its face).

    – Marcin
    2 days ago

  • 19

    @Marcin HR's behavior is one of the reasons I think that this may be the case, they are stuck in the middle of something that they aren't comfortable with.

    – Steve
    2 days ago

  • 10

    Yep for sure, but their whole job is dealing with things that are vaguely uncomfortable. Basically I think you're right, and this is some crappy HR work.

    – Marcin
    2 days ago

  • 19

    And one has to wonder how HR heard about the visit. I think this is the likely scenario.

    – Aurast

  • 12

    I can perfectly imagine a person not wanting to be seen in a diminished state in front of their coworkers and reaching out to HR asking, gently, that coworkers be asked to refrain from visiting (after the first visit), and things going downhill (for the OP) from there...

    – Matthieu M.


It's not at all uncommon to have friends at work. I was once friends with a couple at my office and I would regularly visit them at their house. However, nothing you've said has indicated that you are close friends with this coworker you visited, other than the fact that you thought to visit him.

Hospital visits are a special sort of case where a person is particularly vulnerable. This person is unable to leave, and so he is at a tremendous social disadvantage when someone chooses to visit him. This isn't to say he necessarily dislikes you but sometimes uneven social environments are very discomforting to people even when the other person is being perfectly pleasant.

My guess is that the coworker informed management about the visit, as others have indicated. You may have committed a subtle sort of faux pas that's hard to pin down. I wouldn't fret about it too much since this sort of thing can happen to the best of us. I think the Interpersonal Skills stack exchange is a great place to learn more about social cues and I'd like to spend more time there myself.

share|improve this answer

  • 11

    +1, though if the coworker did not wish to be visited, then I can't quite picture how the OP even knew to visit him (e.g., how he knew what hospital to go to, what the visiting hours were, etc.).

    – ruakh
    2 days ago

  • 4

    @ruakh It can happen, although I doubt that's the explanation here.

    – Geoffrey Brent
    2 days ago

  • 14

    It is always a good idea to call in advance and check whether the patient wants a visit. Most hospital stays involve some sort of undress :-), which might make a person, especially a coworker, uncomfortable. You will likely find out a lot more about their medical condition than they might want to share. They might just be throwing up all over the place and prefer privacy for icky bodily functions. They might be exhausted by overlong other visits. Even if you are a relatively close friend, you might not always be welcome. So just check.

    – George M
    2 days ago

  • 2

    Fully understandable. IMHO, however, the problem's core is whether and why a humane situation such as this falls within the scope of the HR policy and related sanctions. It seems to me to be a problem of authority, more so than one of sensitivity, granted that the latter is paramount.

    – XavierStuvw

  • 4

    @GeoffreyBrent ..... holy crap!

    – Lightness Races in Orbit


Focusing on the reaction 'read the manual', the responsible for the underlying matters ought to be in the condition

  • to point out to the source (existence of the rule);

  • to explain the letter and spirit of it (interpretation of the rule);

  • to indicate the grounds of the infringement (relevance of the rule);

  • to justify consequences being commensurate to facts and circumstances (application of the rule);

ideally in an effortless fashion. The more competent and prepared, the more effortlessly.

The answer you received shifts the burden of the proof on you and amplifies your distress --- hence, preoccupies you and distracts you from your tasks on the job --- at least fourfold:

  • the rule is not clear (whether the rule exists and is vague; exists and has not been clarified; or does not exist at all);

  • you have to find out, lone and alone, what the probably existing, hopefully clear and surely not clarified rule is;

  • you have to build your own case for such a lack of support, clarity and explanation;

  • you have to convey this case to someone who has already proven that they feel entitled to sanction you rather curtly.

So you might well be wrong, but you cannot be asked to find out why a sanction has been imposed on you. This is a Kafka-like situation.

There must be an explainable reason why paying a courtesy/goodwill visit to, say, an hospitalized HR officer conflicts with the company's rightful interests and core values. And the HR officer needs to know and explain this.

share|improve this answer


    If HR got orders or objectives to reduce amount of workers or to rotate them by firing some of them regularly (it's not necessarily against you), they are likely to use this kind of language.

    It's known the most effective way to fire people is to warn people with some irrelevant things first.

    This way the day the company fires the people HR will just have to say the people “you know why, right?” and the people will say nothing and silently accept what his happening because the people would feel guilty and would already have accepted what is happening since days or months.

    Nothing can happen if coworkers support you, but in most case coworkers just point you to save themselves.

    I'm not saying it's what happening to you, but that is a real answer to that question if that is happening to you: “Why would HR say it's inappropriate that I visited a coworker in the hospital?”

    Note that in what you said you there is no sign HR thinks it's inappropriate, you just reported HR said it is.

    There can be a real reason why it's forbidden by handbook (for example I know that some companies formally forbid workers to receive gifts from other companies, that to prevent corruption), but I see no reason why visiting a coworker at hospital would be a threat for the company at this point. Some people talked about the fact the coworker may have not liked your visit but if that's true that kind of faux-pas would be a threat for that coworker at first look it does not looks like a threat for the company. Remind the handbook is there to protect the company and remind the warning is there to protect the company.

    The fact HR hides itself behind the handbook instead of going the social way (not saying it's a faux-pas in this culture etc.) and the fact HR have not explained why this is forbidden by handbook (not explaining how this forbidding would protect the company) may be a ringing bell as HR demonstrated there is no intention to help you becoming a better coworker by making you understanding better this culture or no intention to help you becoming a better coworker by making you understanding better how to protect the company or to make the company a better one.

    share|improve this answer

    New contributor

    Thomas Debesse is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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      Do you and your friend work at the aforementioned hospital?

      Noticed your name was Erguy (ER + Guy) so though I'd throw it out there.

      share|improve this answer

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      Frank is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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      • 6

        Hi Frank, questions asking for clarification of the original question should be posted as comments on the question, not as answers. Once you've earned enough reputation score, you'll be able to comment on questions and answers.

        – reirab

      • This does not provide an answer to the question. Once you have sufficient reputation you will be able to comment on any post; instead, provide answers that don't require clarification from the asker. - From Review

        – bruglesco
        7 hours ago


      @ ERguy - Hello. You mentioned you are of comparable professional status, albeit in different departments. To my thinking, this dissociative workplace variable probably means you, and the hospitalised chap, are not, and would not, be perceived as "co-workers" by fellow company employees or the concerned man. You did not state in your OP whether this hospital visit was to see a co-worker not a friend. I must say I would find it disturbingly odd if a person I'd seen and possibly even chatted with at my workplace were to suddenly appear at my hospital bedside to wish me a speedy recovery (or cynically check to see if there may soon be a new job opening). One expects close friends and family to undergo the chore of hospital visits (not the most convivial of places to socialise). Having a relative stranger drop by may have been excessively stressful, especially if one thinks said stranger may have undeclared ulterior motives. He may well be concerned or worry if/that you have a crush on him; one big enough to trigger a surprise hospital visit. Thus thinking you are gay and making a play where he is not. Then again, he may be gay and simply not fancy or like you or has been in a monogamous gay relationship for years. Awkward if his life-partner drops in for a visit too, where your reason for visiting is not readily understood or appreciated.

      You must know from experience when a person is poorly or simply under the weather that any energy required to remain socially engaging and mannered may be extremely difficult to muster. One's social affectations are easily sloughed when in the company of close relatives or established friends. Having to wriggle into and wear one's cultural persona when all one really wants is to bask in sympathetic rays emittedthose closest to him may bathe him withis lie back and feel terribly sorry for oneself .

      Then again...he may have considered your intrusion to have been stalker like.

      You have ultimately to take onboard that he may not actually like you.

      You should wait until he is fully recovered and back at work. There, with the proviso you're not breaking workplace rules, you can write him a considerate e-mail, letter, PiN, whatever, with which you apologise for inadvertently causing him stress and anxiety during a time when it was thoroughly unnecessary. If appropriate to your circumstances, remove any anxieties he may have about yours or his sexuality, especially if you weren't motivated by sexuality and opportunism. If you were then tell him to his face.

      I haven't seen any replies from you regarding contributors comments, so hopefully you're past the indignity of being dragged over the coals for an accidental misdemeanour. In future though, think carefully before encroaching on an acquaintances personal space.

      Those Workplace rules you've been warned to abide by may not be explicitly black and white. However, the greys and tact should help to guide you.

      Anyway, all the best. You've not lost your job...yet!

      share|improve this answer

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      D. Joe is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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        OP note: If you understand what I am trying to say, feel free to fix/improve it!

        This is an inhumane rule, thus you are by an inhumane company.

        It doesn't matter, what is in their "handbooks". It is long bad that the HR thinks they are free to dictate the off-workplace, human relation of the employee.

        It is your decision, how do you deal with it. I can imagine such a wage, or life situation, for which I would tolerate it.

        But the main attitude is this: the company is inhumane and un-ethical, so if also you aren't very ethical with it, is not a big problem.

        At least, you are free to use their own evil rules against them. Check that handbook, and find ways to attack back, while you hold a bridge to fly away.

        Hopefully no HR co-worker will ever say you that you were "un-ethical" in any sense.

        share|improve this answer

        • 6

          Hum. What the hell?

          – Pierre Arlaud

        • 1

          If the visit was an entirely private meeting of two consenting parties with no consequences to their joint employer, how would HR learn of it? We can hardly assume that HR contacted the patient first, more likely the reverse happened. In which case HR cannot mention that communication to the OP because such a slip could hypothetically expose the coworker to some form of retaliation from the OP.

          – Jirka Hanika

        • 1

          This is not worded the best

          – Steve

        • 1

          @PierreArlaud Sorry if I was not enough clear. I am trying to say, that it is an unfair, inhumane policy what the HR is doing, and I adviced the OP to check that "handbook" and to try to utilize its rules - as they were written - to fight back that inhumane behavior. Thus, essentially, I am inciting the OP against its employer, and I think it is pretty okay! If you have any better idea, how to formulate this post better, please do it. What is not clear?

          – Gray Sheep

        • 2

          Ok let me elaborate on that. What the hell do you know about the company being inhumane? What if the colleague in the hospital told HR some guy at the office came in his private circle and that he disapproved of it (as some people have suggested could be the case)? Would it be inhumane to tell a coworker to mind his own business in that case?

          – Pierre Arlaud


        Employer getting involved, or having rule regulating what you do in your free time, strikes me as totally ridiculous and in sane countries this should be against the law / constitution.

        If that person was uncomfortable, he should've confronted you. Sane employer would tell him the same (wtf, are you still grade-school kids, and is the company your teachers ?).

        I would consult a lawyer, and if such abhorrent control over employee private life is condoned by your country's laws, I'd seek better employer (and better homeland; or start some public initiative to rectify this).

        share|improve this answer

        New contributor

        Miloslav Raus is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
        Check out our Code of Conduct.

        We're looking for long answers that provide some explanation and context. Don't just give a one-line answer; explain why your answer is right, ideally with citations. Answers that don't include explanations may be removed.

        • 16

          This seems more like a rant than an answer

          – stannius
          2 days ago

        • 26

          Your suggestion is that, in response to a formal warning from HR, the questioner should move to a different country??

          – Sneftel

        • 5

          "regulating what you do in your free time, strikes me as totally ridiculous" If my manager starts calling me every day at 2am "in his free time", I feel entitled to complain to HR. If a male coworker makes improper comments to a female coworker in an after-work outside working hours, she has a right to complain, etc. A company can sanction behavior outside working hour if it happens between two co-workers and one of them complaints, so your main reasoning seems flawed.

          – zakinster


        "It's against the rules. Read the handbook".

        THIS is your ANSWER.

        Read the handbook and if you still have questions edit your question or ask HR.

        Something in that chain of events you described violated at least one policy in said handbook (at least according to its interpretation of the company / HR).


        Engaging in inappropriate conduct is a serious offense raising all sorts of red flags.

        See what your chances are in expunging this from your documents.

        If it has no merit, if HR's interpretation of the policies in the handbook was false, a lawyer will be able to help you!

        Seriously, downvoters, the issue is OP was told he violated a policy.

        WITHOUT knowing that policy we CAN'T answer any differently.

        Idle speculation won't help OP and aimless rants about the sense of rules encompassing private relationships with colleagues are way out of the scope.

        share|improve this answer

        • Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been moved to chat.

          – Jane S

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        10 Answers




        10 Answers











        We can not tell you what you did wrong (that sounds odd to me too), but your HR person has given you the hook you need by claiming that the employee handbook forbids it. This means you can (politely) ask the HR person to point out the relevant policy, so you can review it and make sure you understand it.

        If you'd thought of this during the meeting you could have said something like "oh, I didn't remember that from when I read the handbook; could you show me where so I can review it?". After the fact, your best bet is to send email (so you'll have a "paper" trail). In the email you want to convey: (1) you want to follow your employer's policies, (2) you didn't know you hadn't, so (3) you want to review to avoid future problems. Be polite, not confrontational; if it turns out the HR person is wrong, you can deal with that later. Here's a sample message, which assumes that you've checked the handbook and couldn't find the relevant part:

        Dear HR person,

        Thank you for letting me know about our policy against hospital visits. I'd like to review the relevant policies again so I can be sure to avoid future problems. I'm having trouble finding this in my copy of the handbook; could you please tell me where I should be looking? Thank you.

        Specific followup would depend on what you learn; there are too many possibilities to plan for all of them in advance. Email like this should elicit the information you need to decide what to do next.

        share|improve this answer

        • 53

          I like that phrasing, as it is polite and non-confrontative. It seems OP has already pushed for details, let's hope this email will shed some light... otherwise I'd say reading the handbook (again?) would be a good idea.

          – DarkCygnus
          2 days ago

        • 19

          I mean, it's most likely going to be some passage along the line of respecting co-workers boundaries or maintaining a strictly professional relationships, which is completely up to interpretation.

          – SpeedOfRound
          2 days ago

        • 4

          I think this is the best answer, but I am really curious if HR not being able to provide this information makes company susceptible for creating a hostile environment... It would be a groundless action against a basic humane reaction of empathy. I understand this might be out of scope of the answer, but I got personally upset, and maybe it's worth of addressing or a question of it's own. Should it be legal to punish an individual for caring for another one bearing no professional nor immediate business consequences. I completely fail to see reasoning behind such policy. Antistalking?

          – luk32
          2 days ago

        • 14

          @Erguy Could you please let us know what happens?

          – Ovi
          2 days ago

        • 16

          @luk32 there are lots of possibilities, depending on what the details are that aren't in the question. Rather than speculate about them, I suggest the OP ask directly. Possibly it was unwanted contact (the employee wanted to keep it private), possibly there's a concern about asking a sick employee who might go out on disability to do anything work-related, possibly there's a concern about accidental disclosures of corporate secrets, possibly the HR person is mistaken... asking to see the policy should move things forward.

          – Monica Cellio
          2 days ago


        We can not tell you what you did wrong (that sounds odd to me too), but your HR person has given you the hook you need by claiming that the employee handbook forbids it. This means you can (politely) ask the HR person to point out the relevant policy, so you can review it and make sure you understand it.

        If you'd thought of this during the meeting you could have said something like "oh, I didn't remember that from when I read the handbook; could you show me where so I can review it?". After the fact, your best bet is to send email (so you'll have a "paper" trail). In the email you want to convey: (1) you want to follow your employer's policies, (2) you didn't know you hadn't, so (3) you want to review to avoid future problems. Be polite, not confrontational; if it turns out the HR person is wrong, you can deal with that later. Here's a sample message, which assumes that you've checked the handbook and couldn't find the relevant part:

        Dear HR person,

        Thank you for letting me know about our policy against hospital visits. I'd like to review the relevant policies again so I can be sure to avoid future problems. I'm having trouble finding this in my copy of the handbook; could you please tell me where I should be looking? Thank you.

        Specific followup would depend on what you learn; there are too many possibilities to plan for all of them in advance. Email like this should elicit the information you need to decide what to do next.

        share|improve this answer

        • 53

          I like that phrasing, as it is polite and non-confrontative. It seems OP has already pushed for details, let's hope this email will shed some light... otherwise I'd say reading the handbook (again?) would be a good idea.

          – DarkCygnus
          2 days ago

        • 19

          I mean, it's most likely going to be some passage along the line of respecting co-workers boundaries or maintaining a strictly professional relationships, which is completely up to interpretation.

          – SpeedOfRound
          2 days ago

        • 4

          I think this is the best answer, but I am really curious if HR not being able to provide this information makes company susceptible for creating a hostile environment... It would be a groundless action against a basic humane reaction of empathy. I understand this might be out of scope of the answer, but I got personally upset, and maybe it's worth of addressing or a question of it's own. Should it be legal to punish an individual for caring for another one bearing no professional nor immediate business consequences. I completely fail to see reasoning behind such policy. Antistalking?

          – luk32
          2 days ago

        • 14

          @Erguy Could you please let us know what happens?

          – Ovi
          2 days ago

        • 16

          @luk32 there are lots of possibilities, depending on what the details are that aren't in the question. Rather than speculate about them, I suggest the OP ask directly. Possibly it was unwanted contact (the employee wanted to keep it private), possibly there's a concern about asking a sick employee who might go out on disability to do anything work-related, possibly there's a concern about accidental disclosures of corporate secrets, possibly the HR person is mistaken... asking to see the policy should move things forward.

          – Monica Cellio
          2 days ago




        We can not tell you what you did wrong (that sounds odd to me too), but your HR person has given you the hook you need by claiming that the employee handbook forbids it. This means you can (politely) ask the HR person to point out the relevant policy, so you can review it and make sure you understand it.

        If you'd thought of this during the meeting you could have said something like "oh, I didn't remember that from when I read the handbook; could you show me where so I can review it?". After the fact, your best bet is to send email (so you'll have a "paper" trail). In the email you want to convey: (1) you want to follow your employer's policies, (2) you didn't know you hadn't, so (3) you want to review to avoid future problems. Be polite, not confrontational; if it turns out the HR person is wrong, you can deal with that later. Here's a sample message, which assumes that you've checked the handbook and couldn't find the relevant part:

        Dear HR person,

        Thank you for letting me know about our policy against hospital visits. I'd like to review the relevant policies again so I can be sure to avoid future problems. I'm having trouble finding this in my copy of the handbook; could you please tell me where I should be looking? Thank you.

        Specific followup would depend on what you learn; there are too many possibilities to plan for all of them in advance. Email like this should elicit the information you need to decide what to do next.

        share|improve this answer

        We can not tell you what you did wrong (that sounds odd to me too), but your HR person has given you the hook you need by claiming that the employee handbook forbids it. This means you can (politely) ask the HR person to point out the relevant policy, so you can review it and make sure you understand it.

        If you'd thought of this during the meeting you could have said something like "oh, I didn't remember that from when I read the handbook; could you show me where so I can review it?". After the fact, your best bet is to send email (so you'll have a "paper" trail). In the email you want to convey: (1) you want to follow your employer's policies, (2) you didn't know you hadn't, so (3) you want to review to avoid future problems. Be polite, not confrontational; if it turns out the HR person is wrong, you can deal with that later. Here's a sample message, which assumes that you've checked the handbook and couldn't find the relevant part:

        Dear HR person,

        Thank you for letting me know about our policy against hospital visits. I'd like to review the relevant policies again so I can be sure to avoid future problems. I'm having trouble finding this in my copy of the handbook; could you please tell me where I should be looking? Thank you.

        Specific followup would depend on what you learn; there are too many possibilities to plan for all of them in advance. Email like this should elicit the information you need to decide what to do next.

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        edited yesterday

        answered 2 days ago

        Monica CellioMonica Cellio



        • 53

          I like that phrasing, as it is polite and non-confrontative. It seems OP has already pushed for details, let's hope this email will shed some light... otherwise I'd say reading the handbook (again?) would be a good idea.

          – DarkCygnus
          2 days ago

        • 19

          I mean, it's most likely going to be some passage along the line of respecting co-workers boundaries or maintaining a strictly professional relationships, which is completely up to interpretation.

          – SpeedOfRound
          2 days ago

        • 4

          I think this is the best answer, but I am really curious if HR not being able to provide this information makes company susceptible for creating a hostile environment... It would be a groundless action against a basic humane reaction of empathy. I understand this might be out of scope of the answer, but I got personally upset, and maybe it's worth of addressing or a question of it's own. Should it be legal to punish an individual for caring for another one bearing no professional nor immediate business consequences. I completely fail to see reasoning behind such policy. Antistalking?

          – luk32
          2 days ago

        • 14

          @Erguy Could you please let us know what happens?

          – Ovi
          2 days ago

        • 16

          @luk32 there are lots of possibilities, depending on what the details are that aren't in the question. Rather than speculate about them, I suggest the OP ask directly. Possibly it was unwanted contact (the employee wanted to keep it private), possibly there's a concern about asking a sick employee who might go out on disability to do anything work-related, possibly there's a concern about accidental disclosures of corporate secrets, possibly the HR person is mistaken... asking to see the policy should move things forward.

          – Monica Cellio
          2 days ago

        • 53

          I like that phrasing, as it is polite and non-confrontative. It seems OP has already pushed for details, let's hope this email will shed some light... otherwise I'd say reading the handbook (again?) would be a good idea.

          – DarkCygnus
          2 days ago

        • 19

          I mean, it's most likely going to be some passage along the line of respecting co-workers boundaries or maintaining a strictly professional relationships, which is completely up to interpretation.

          – SpeedOfRound
          2 days ago

        • 4

          I think this is the best answer, but I am really curious if HR not being able to provide this information makes company susceptible for creating a hostile environment... It would be a groundless action against a basic humane reaction of empathy. I understand this might be out of scope of the answer, but I got personally upset, and maybe it's worth of addressing or a question of it's own. Should it be legal to punish an individual for caring for another one bearing no professional nor immediate business consequences. I completely fail to see reasoning behind such policy. Antistalking?

          – luk32
          2 days ago

        • 14

          @Erguy Could you please let us know what happens?

          – Ovi
          2 days ago

        • 16

          @luk32 there are lots of possibilities, depending on what the details are that aren't in the question. Rather than speculate about them, I suggest the OP ask directly. Possibly it was unwanted contact (the employee wanted to keep it private), possibly there's a concern about asking a sick employee who might go out on disability to do anything work-related, possibly there's a concern about accidental disclosures of corporate secrets, possibly the HR person is mistaken... asking to see the policy should move things forward.

          – Monica Cellio
          2 days ago



        I like that phrasing, as it is polite and non-confrontative. It seems OP has already pushed for details, let's hope this email will shed some light... otherwise I'd say reading the handbook (again?) would be a good idea.

        – DarkCygnus
        2 days ago

        I like that phrasing, as it is polite and non-confrontative. It seems OP has already pushed for details, let's hope this email will shed some light... otherwise I'd say reading the handbook (again?) would be a good idea.

        – DarkCygnus
        2 days ago



        I mean, it's most likely going to be some passage along the line of respecting co-workers boundaries or maintaining a strictly professional relationships, which is completely up to interpretation.

        – SpeedOfRound
        2 days ago

        I mean, it's most likely going to be some passage along the line of respecting co-workers boundaries or maintaining a strictly professional relationships, which is completely up to interpretation.

        – SpeedOfRound
        2 days ago



        I think this is the best answer, but I am really curious if HR not being able to provide this information makes company susceptible for creating a hostile environment... It would be a groundless action against a basic humane reaction of empathy. I understand this might be out of scope of the answer, but I got personally upset, and maybe it's worth of addressing or a question of it's own. Should it be legal to punish an individual for caring for another one bearing no professional nor immediate business consequences. I completely fail to see reasoning behind such policy. Antistalking?

        – luk32
        2 days ago

        I think this is the best answer, but I am really curious if HR not being able to provide this information makes company susceptible for creating a hostile environment... It would be a groundless action against a basic humane reaction of empathy. I understand this might be out of scope of the answer, but I got personally upset, and maybe it's worth of addressing or a question of it's own. Should it be legal to punish an individual for caring for another one bearing no professional nor immediate business consequences. I completely fail to see reasoning behind such policy. Antistalking?

        – luk32
        2 days ago



        @Erguy Could you please let us know what happens?

        – Ovi
        2 days ago

        @Erguy Could you please let us know what happens?

        – Ovi
        2 days ago



        @luk32 there are lots of possibilities, depending on what the details are that aren't in the question. Rather than speculate about them, I suggest the OP ask directly. Possibly it was unwanted contact (the employee wanted to keep it private), possibly there's a concern about asking a sick employee who might go out on disability to do anything work-related, possibly there's a concern about accidental disclosures of corporate secrets, possibly the HR person is mistaken... asking to see the policy should move things forward.

        – Monica Cellio
        2 days ago

        @luk32 there are lots of possibilities, depending on what the details are that aren't in the question. Rather than speculate about them, I suggest the OP ask directly. Possibly it was unwanted contact (the employee wanted to keep it private), possibly there's a concern about asking a sick employee who might go out on disability to do anything work-related, possibly there's a concern about accidental disclosures of corporate secrets, possibly the HR person is mistaken... asking to see the policy should move things forward.

        – Monica Cellio
        2 days ago


        I think that there is a different point of view that's not being considered here, but it's difficult to know for sure with the little detail that you provided in your question.

        It seems very unusual and unlikely that HR would have a policy that prohibits something as simple as a visit to a co-worker in the hospital. Obviously, I'm basing this off of my experience living and working in the United States, other cultures may have different norms for this type of behavior. So you need to respect the norms and work culture where you are.

        But ultimately this sounds to me as if the person you visited may have been uncomfortable with your visit and reached out to HR or their supervisor. Perhaps they are embarrassed, or uncomfortable with interacting with you outside of the office for something that they consider to be a very personal and private matter.

        share|improve this answer

        • 5

          You may well be right. It's still a totally odd move on the part of the company to treat it this way. There's nothing culturally inappropriate about this visit (on its face).

          – Marcin
          2 days ago

        • 19

          @Marcin HR's behavior is one of the reasons I think that this may be the case, they are stuck in the middle of something that they aren't comfortable with.

          – Steve
          2 days ago

        • 10

          Yep for sure, but their whole job is dealing with things that are vaguely uncomfortable. Basically I think you're right, and this is some crappy HR work.

          – Marcin
          2 days ago

        • 19

          And one has to wonder how HR heard about the visit. I think this is the likely scenario.

          – Aurast

        • 12

          I can perfectly imagine a person not wanting to be seen in a diminished state in front of their coworkers and reaching out to HR asking, gently, that coworkers be asked to refrain from visiting (after the first visit), and things going downhill (for the OP) from there...

          – Matthieu M.


        I think that there is a different point of view that's not being considered here, but it's difficult to know for sure with the little detail that you provided in your question.

        It seems very unusual and unlikely that HR would have a policy that prohibits something as simple as a visit to a co-worker in the hospital. Obviously, I'm basing this off of my experience living and working in the United States, other cultures may have different norms for this type of behavior. So you need to respect the norms and work culture where you are.

        But ultimately this sounds to me as if the person you visited may have been uncomfortable with your visit and reached out to HR or their supervisor. Perhaps they are embarrassed, or uncomfortable with interacting with you outside of the office for something that they consider to be a very personal and private matter.

        share|improve this answer

        • 5

          You may well be right. It's still a totally odd move on the part of the company to treat it this way. There's nothing culturally inappropriate about this visit (on its face).

          – Marcin
          2 days ago

        • 19

          @Marcin HR's behavior is one of the reasons I think that this may be the case, they are stuck in the middle of something that they aren't comfortable with.

          – Steve
          2 days ago

        • 10

          Yep for sure, but their whole job is dealing with things that are vaguely uncomfortable. Basically I think you're right, and this is some crappy HR work.

          – Marcin
          2 days ago

        • 19

          And one has to wonder how HR heard about the visit. I think this is the likely scenario.

          – Aurast

        • 12

          I can perfectly imagine a person not wanting to be seen in a diminished state in front of their coworkers and reaching out to HR asking, gently, that coworkers be asked to refrain from visiting (after the first visit), and things going downhill (for the OP) from there...

          – Matthieu M.




        I think that there is a different point of view that's not being considered here, but it's difficult to know for sure with the little detail that you provided in your question.

        It seems very unusual and unlikely that HR would have a policy that prohibits something as simple as a visit to a co-worker in the hospital. Obviously, I'm basing this off of my experience living and working in the United States, other cultures may have different norms for this type of behavior. So you need to respect the norms and work culture where you are.

        But ultimately this sounds to me as if the person you visited may have been uncomfortable with your visit and reached out to HR or their supervisor. Perhaps they are embarrassed, or uncomfortable with interacting with you outside of the office for something that they consider to be a very personal and private matter.

        share|improve this answer

        I think that there is a different point of view that's not being considered here, but it's difficult to know for sure with the little detail that you provided in your question.

        It seems very unusual and unlikely that HR would have a policy that prohibits something as simple as a visit to a co-worker in the hospital. Obviously, I'm basing this off of my experience living and working in the United States, other cultures may have different norms for this type of behavior. So you need to respect the norms and work culture where you are.

        But ultimately this sounds to me as if the person you visited may have been uncomfortable with your visit and reached out to HR or their supervisor. Perhaps they are embarrassed, or uncomfortable with interacting with you outside of the office for something that they consider to be a very personal and private matter.

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        edited 2 days ago

        answered 2 days ago




        • 5

          You may well be right. It's still a totally odd move on the part of the company to treat it this way. There's nothing culturally inappropriate about this visit (on its face).

          – Marcin
          2 days ago

        • 19

          @Marcin HR's behavior is one of the reasons I think that this may be the case, they are stuck in the middle of something that they aren't comfortable with.

          – Steve
          2 days ago

        • 10

          Yep for sure, but their whole job is dealing with things that are vaguely uncomfortable. Basically I think you're right, and this is some crappy HR work.

          – Marcin
          2 days ago

        • 19

          And one has to wonder how HR heard about the visit. I think this is the likely scenario.

          – Aurast

        • 12

          I can perfectly imagine a person not wanting to be seen in a diminished state in front of their coworkers and reaching out to HR asking, gently, that coworkers be asked to refrain from visiting (after the first visit), and things going downhill (for the OP) from there...

          – Matthieu M.

        • 5

          You may well be right. It's still a totally odd move on the part of the company to treat it this way. There's nothing culturally inappropriate about this visit (on its face).

          – Marcin
          2 days ago

        • 19

          @Marcin HR's behavior is one of the reasons I think that this may be the case, they are stuck in the middle of something that they aren't comfortable with.

          – Steve
          2 days ago

        • 10

          Yep for sure, but their whole job is dealing with things that are vaguely uncomfortable. Basically I think you're right, and this is some crappy HR work.

          – Marcin
          2 days ago

        • 19

          And one has to wonder how HR heard about the visit. I think this is the likely scenario.

          – Aurast

        • 12

          I can perfectly imagine a person not wanting to be seen in a diminished state in front of their coworkers and reaching out to HR asking, gently, that coworkers be asked to refrain from visiting (after the first visit), and things going downhill (for the OP) from there...

          – Matthieu M.



        You may well be right. It's still a totally odd move on the part of the company to treat it this way. There's nothing culturally inappropriate about this visit (on its face).

        – Marcin
        2 days ago

        You may well be right. It's still a totally odd move on the part of the company to treat it this way. There's nothing culturally inappropriate about this visit (on its face).

        – Marcin
        2 days ago



        @Marcin HR's behavior is one of the reasons I think that this may be the case, they are stuck in the middle of something that they aren't comfortable with.

        – Steve
        2 days ago

        @Marcin HR's behavior is one of the reasons I think that this may be the case, they are stuck in the middle of something that they aren't comfortable with.

        – Steve
        2 days ago



        Yep for sure, but their whole job is dealing with things that are vaguely uncomfortable. Basically I think you're right, and this is some crappy HR work.

        – Marcin
        2 days ago

        Yep for sure, but their whole job is dealing with things that are vaguely uncomfortable. Basically I think you're right, and this is some crappy HR work.

        – Marcin
        2 days ago



        And one has to wonder how HR heard about the visit. I think this is the likely scenario.

        – Aurast

        And one has to wonder how HR heard about the visit. I think this is the likely scenario.

        – Aurast



        I can perfectly imagine a person not wanting to be seen in a diminished state in front of their coworkers and reaching out to HR asking, gently, that coworkers be asked to refrain from visiting (after the first visit), and things going downhill (for the OP) from there...

        – Matthieu M.

        I can perfectly imagine a person not wanting to be seen in a diminished state in front of their coworkers and reaching out to HR asking, gently, that coworkers be asked to refrain from visiting (after the first visit), and things going downhill (for the OP) from there...

        – Matthieu M.


        It's not at all uncommon to have friends at work. I was once friends with a couple at my office and I would regularly visit them at their house. However, nothing you've said has indicated that you are close friends with this coworker you visited, other than the fact that you thought to visit him.

        Hospital visits are a special sort of case where a person is particularly vulnerable. This person is unable to leave, and so he is at a tremendous social disadvantage when someone chooses to visit him. This isn't to say he necessarily dislikes you but sometimes uneven social environments are very discomforting to people even when the other person is being perfectly pleasant.

        My guess is that the coworker informed management about the visit, as others have indicated. You may have committed a subtle sort of faux pas that's hard to pin down. I wouldn't fret about it too much since this sort of thing can happen to the best of us. I think the Interpersonal Skills stack exchange is a great place to learn more about social cues and I'd like to spend more time there myself.

        share|improve this answer

        • 11

          +1, though if the coworker did not wish to be visited, then I can't quite picture how the OP even knew to visit him (e.g., how he knew what hospital to go to, what the visiting hours were, etc.).

          – ruakh
          2 days ago

        • 4

          @ruakh It can happen, although I doubt that's the explanation here.

          – Geoffrey Brent
          2 days ago

        • 14

          It is always a good idea to call in advance and check whether the patient wants a visit. Most hospital stays involve some sort of undress :-), which might make a person, especially a coworker, uncomfortable. You will likely find out a lot more about their medical condition than they might want to share. They might just be throwing up all over the place and prefer privacy for icky bodily functions. They might be exhausted by overlong other visits. Even if you are a relatively close friend, you might not always be welcome. So just check.

          – George M
          2 days ago

        • 2

          Fully understandable. IMHO, however, the problem's core is whether and why a humane situation such as this falls within the scope of the HR policy and related sanctions. It seems to me to be a problem of authority, more so than one of sensitivity, granted that the latter is paramount.

          – XavierStuvw

        • 4

          @GeoffreyBrent ..... holy crap!

          – Lightness Races in Orbit


        It's not at all uncommon to have friends at work. I was once friends with a couple at my office and I would regularly visit them at their house. However, nothing you've said has indicated that you are close friends with this coworker you visited, other than the fact that you thought to visit him.

        Hospital visits are a special sort of case where a person is particularly vulnerable. This person is unable to leave, and so he is at a tremendous social disadvantage when someone chooses to visit him. This isn't to say he necessarily dislikes you but sometimes uneven social environments are very discomforting to people even when the other person is being perfectly pleasant.

        My guess is that the coworker informed management about the visit, as others have indicated. You may have committed a subtle sort of faux pas that's hard to pin down. I wouldn't fret about it too much since this sort of thing can happen to the best of us. I think the Interpersonal Skills stack exchange is a great place to learn more about social cues and I'd like to spend more time there myself.

        share|improve this answer

        • 11

          +1, though if the coworker did not wish to be visited, then I can't quite picture how the OP even knew to visit him (e.g., how he knew what hospital to go to, what the visiting hours were, etc.).

          – ruakh
          2 days ago

        • 4

          @ruakh It can happen, although I doubt that's the explanation here.

          – Geoffrey Brent
          2 days ago

        • 14

          It is always a good idea to call in advance and check whether the patient wants a visit. Most hospital stays involve some sort of undress :-), which might make a person, especially a coworker, uncomfortable. You will likely find out a lot more about their medical condition than they might want to share. They might just be throwing up all over the place and prefer privacy for icky bodily functions. They might be exhausted by overlong other visits. Even if you are a relatively close friend, you might not always be welcome. So just check.

          – George M
          2 days ago

        • 2

          Fully understandable. IMHO, however, the problem's core is whether and why a humane situation such as this falls within the scope of the HR policy and related sanctions. It seems to me to be a problem of authority, more so than one of sensitivity, granted that the latter is paramount.

          – XavierStuvw

        • 4

          @GeoffreyBrent ..... holy crap!

          – Lightness Races in Orbit




        It's not at all uncommon to have friends at work. I was once friends with a couple at my office and I would regularly visit them at their house. However, nothing you've said has indicated that you are close friends with this coworker you visited, other than the fact that you thought to visit him.

        Hospital visits are a special sort of case where a person is particularly vulnerable. This person is unable to leave, and so he is at a tremendous social disadvantage when someone chooses to visit him. This isn't to say he necessarily dislikes you but sometimes uneven social environments are very discomforting to people even when the other person is being perfectly pleasant.

        My guess is that the coworker informed management about the visit, as others have indicated. You may have committed a subtle sort of faux pas that's hard to pin down. I wouldn't fret about it too much since this sort of thing can happen to the best of us. I think the Interpersonal Skills stack exchange is a great place to learn more about social cues and I'd like to spend more time there myself.

        share|improve this answer

        It's not at all uncommon to have friends at work. I was once friends with a couple at my office and I would regularly visit them at their house. However, nothing you've said has indicated that you are close friends with this coworker you visited, other than the fact that you thought to visit him.

        Hospital visits are a special sort of case where a person is particularly vulnerable. This person is unable to leave, and so he is at a tremendous social disadvantage when someone chooses to visit him. This isn't to say he necessarily dislikes you but sometimes uneven social environments are very discomforting to people even when the other person is being perfectly pleasant.

        My guess is that the coworker informed management about the visit, as others have indicated. You may have committed a subtle sort of faux pas that's hard to pin down. I wouldn't fret about it too much since this sort of thing can happen to the best of us. I think the Interpersonal Skills stack exchange is a great place to learn more about social cues and I'd like to spend more time there myself.

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        answered 2 days ago

        Kyle DelaneyKyle Delaney



        • 11

          +1, though if the coworker did not wish to be visited, then I can't quite picture how the OP even knew to visit him (e.g., how he knew what hospital to go to, what the visiting hours were, etc.).

          – ruakh
          2 days ago

        • 4

          @ruakh It can happen, although I doubt that's the explanation here.

          – Geoffrey Brent
          2 days ago

        • 14

          It is always a good idea to call in advance and check whether the patient wants a visit. Most hospital stays involve some sort of undress :-), which might make a person, especially a coworker, uncomfortable. You will likely find out a lot more about their medical condition than they might want to share. They might just be throwing up all over the place and prefer privacy for icky bodily functions. They might be exhausted by overlong other visits. Even if you are a relatively close friend, you might not always be welcome. So just check.

          – George M
          2 days ago

        • 2

          Fully understandable. IMHO, however, the problem's core is whether and why a humane situation such as this falls within the scope of the HR policy and related sanctions. It seems to me to be a problem of authority, more so than one of sensitivity, granted that the latter is paramount.

          – XavierStuvw

        • 4

          @GeoffreyBrent ..... holy crap!

          – Lightness Races in Orbit

        • 11

          +1, though if the coworker did not wish to be visited, then I can't quite picture how the OP even knew to visit him (e.g., how he knew what hospital to go to, what the visiting hours were, etc.).

          – ruakh
          2 days ago

        • 4

          @ruakh It can happen, although I doubt that's the explanation here.

          – Geoffrey Brent
          2 days ago

        • 14

          It is always a good idea to call in advance and check whether the patient wants a visit. Most hospital stays involve some sort of undress :-), which might make a person, especially a coworker, uncomfortable. You will likely find out a lot more about their medical condition than they might want to share. They might just be throwing up all over the place and prefer privacy for icky bodily functions. They might be exhausted by overlong other visits. Even if you are a relatively close friend, you might not always be welcome. So just check.

          – George M
          2 days ago

        • 2

          Fully understandable. IMHO, however, the problem's core is whether and why a humane situation such as this falls within the scope of the HR policy and related sanctions. It seems to me to be a problem of authority, more so than one of sensitivity, granted that the latter is paramount.

          – XavierStuvw

        • 4

          @GeoffreyBrent ..... holy crap!

          – Lightness Races in Orbit



        +1, though if the coworker did not wish to be visited, then I can't quite picture how the OP even knew to visit him (e.g., how he knew what hospital to go to, what the visiting hours were, etc.).

        – ruakh
        2 days ago

        +1, though if the coworker did not wish to be visited, then I can't quite picture how the OP even knew to visit him (e.g., how he knew what hospital to go to, what the visiting hours were, etc.).

        – ruakh
        2 days ago



        @ruakh It can happen, although I doubt that's the explanation here.

        – Geoffrey Brent
        2 days ago

        @ruakh It can happen, although I doubt that's the explanation here.

        – Geoffrey Brent
        2 days ago



        It is always a good idea to call in advance and check whether the patient wants a visit. Most hospital stays involve some sort of undress :-), which might make a person, especially a coworker, uncomfortable. You will likely find out a lot more about their medical condition than they might want to share. They might just be throwing up all over the place and prefer privacy for icky bodily functions. They might be exhausted by overlong other visits. Even if you are a relatively close friend, you might not always be welcome. So just check.

        – George M
        2 days ago

        It is always a good idea to call in advance and check whether the patient wants a visit. Most hospital stays involve some sort of undress :-), which might make a person, especially a coworker, uncomfortable. You will likely find out a lot more about their medical condition than they might want to share. They might just be throwing up all over the place and prefer privacy for icky bodily functions. They might be exhausted by overlong other visits. Even if you are a relatively close friend, you might not always be welcome. So just check.

        – George M
        2 days ago



        Fully understandable. IMHO, however, the problem's core is whether and why a humane situation such as this falls within the scope of the HR policy and related sanctions. It seems to me to be a problem of authority, more so than one of sensitivity, granted that the latter is paramount.

        – XavierStuvw

        Fully understandable. IMHO, however, the problem's core is whether and why a humane situation such as this falls within the scope of the HR policy and related sanctions. It seems to me to be a problem of authority, more so than one of sensitivity, granted that the latter is paramount.

        – XavierStuvw



        @GeoffreyBrent ..... holy crap!

        – Lightness Races in Orbit

        @GeoffreyBrent ..... holy crap!

        – Lightness Races in Orbit


        Focusing on the reaction 'read the manual', the responsible for the underlying matters ought to be in the condition

        • to point out to the source (existence of the rule);

        • to explain the letter and spirit of it (interpretation of the rule);

        • to indicate the grounds of the infringement (relevance of the rule);

        • to justify consequences being commensurate to facts and circumstances (application of the rule);

        ideally in an effortless fashion. The more competent and prepared, the more effortlessly.

        The answer you received shifts the burden of the proof on you and amplifies your distress --- hence, preoccupies you and distracts you from your tasks on the job --- at least fourfold:

        • the rule is not clear (whether the rule exists and is vague; exists and has not been clarified; or does not exist at all);

        • you have to find out, lone and alone, what the probably existing, hopefully clear and surely not clarified rule is;

        • you have to build your own case for such a lack of support, clarity and explanation;

        • you have to convey this case to someone who has already proven that they feel entitled to sanction you rather curtly.

        So you might well be wrong, but you cannot be asked to find out why a sanction has been imposed on you. This is a Kafka-like situation.

        There must be an explainable reason why paying a courtesy/goodwill visit to, say, an hospitalized HR officer conflicts with the company's rightful interests and core values. And the HR officer needs to know and explain this.

        share|improve this answer


          Focusing on the reaction 'read the manual', the responsible for the underlying matters ought to be in the condition

          • to point out to the source (existence of the rule);

          • to explain the letter and spirit of it (interpretation of the rule);

          • to indicate the grounds of the infringement (relevance of the rule);

          • to justify consequences being commensurate to facts and circumstances (application of the rule);

          ideally in an effortless fashion. The more competent and prepared, the more effortlessly.

          The answer you received shifts the burden of the proof on you and amplifies your distress --- hence, preoccupies you and distracts you from your tasks on the job --- at least fourfold:

          • the rule is not clear (whether the rule exists and is vague; exists and has not been clarified; or does not exist at all);

          • you have to find out, lone and alone, what the probably existing, hopefully clear and surely not clarified rule is;

          • you have to build your own case for such a lack of support, clarity and explanation;

          • you have to convey this case to someone who has already proven that they feel entitled to sanction you rather curtly.

          So you might well be wrong, but you cannot be asked to find out why a sanction has been imposed on you. This is a Kafka-like situation.

          There must be an explainable reason why paying a courtesy/goodwill visit to, say, an hospitalized HR officer conflicts with the company's rightful interests and core values. And the HR officer needs to know and explain this.

          share|improve this answer




            Focusing on the reaction 'read the manual', the responsible for the underlying matters ought to be in the condition

            • to point out to the source (existence of the rule);

            • to explain the letter and spirit of it (interpretation of the rule);

            • to indicate the grounds of the infringement (relevance of the rule);

            • to justify consequences being commensurate to facts and circumstances (application of the rule);

            ideally in an effortless fashion. The more competent and prepared, the more effortlessly.

            The answer you received shifts the burden of the proof on you and amplifies your distress --- hence, preoccupies you and distracts you from your tasks on the job --- at least fourfold:

            • the rule is not clear (whether the rule exists and is vague; exists and has not been clarified; or does not exist at all);

            • you have to find out, lone and alone, what the probably existing, hopefully clear and surely not clarified rule is;

            • you have to build your own case for such a lack of support, clarity and explanation;

            • you have to convey this case to someone who has already proven that they feel entitled to sanction you rather curtly.

            So you might well be wrong, but you cannot be asked to find out why a sanction has been imposed on you. This is a Kafka-like situation.

            There must be an explainable reason why paying a courtesy/goodwill visit to, say, an hospitalized HR officer conflicts with the company's rightful interests and core values. And the HR officer needs to know and explain this.

            share|improve this answer

            Focusing on the reaction 'read the manual', the responsible for the underlying matters ought to be in the condition

            • to point out to the source (existence of the rule);

            • to explain the letter and spirit of it (interpretation of the rule);

            • to indicate the grounds of the infringement (relevance of the rule);

            • to justify consequences being commensurate to facts and circumstances (application of the rule);

            ideally in an effortless fashion. The more competent and prepared, the more effortlessly.

            The answer you received shifts the burden of the proof on you and amplifies your distress --- hence, preoccupies you and distracts you from your tasks on the job --- at least fourfold:

            • the rule is not clear (whether the rule exists and is vague; exists and has not been clarified; or does not exist at all);

            • you have to find out, lone and alone, what the probably existing, hopefully clear and surely not clarified rule is;

            • you have to build your own case for such a lack of support, clarity and explanation;

            • you have to convey this case to someone who has already proven that they feel entitled to sanction you rather curtly.

            So you might well be wrong, but you cannot be asked to find out why a sanction has been imposed on you. This is a Kafka-like situation.

            There must be an explainable reason why paying a courtesy/goodwill visit to, say, an hospitalized HR officer conflicts with the company's rightful interests and core values. And the HR officer needs to know and explain this.

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            edited yesterday

            answered yesterday





                If HR got orders or objectives to reduce amount of workers or to rotate them by firing some of them regularly (it's not necessarily against you), they are likely to use this kind of language.

                It's known the most effective way to fire people is to warn people with some irrelevant things first.

                This way the day the company fires the people HR will just have to say the people “you know why, right?” and the people will say nothing and silently accept what his happening because the people would feel guilty and would already have accepted what is happening since days or months.

                Nothing can happen if coworkers support you, but in most case coworkers just point you to save themselves.

                I'm not saying it's what happening to you, but that is a real answer to that question if that is happening to you: “Why would HR say it's inappropriate that I visited a coworker in the hospital?”

                Note that in what you said you there is no sign HR thinks it's inappropriate, you just reported HR said it is.

                There can be a real reason why it's forbidden by handbook (for example I know that some companies formally forbid workers to receive gifts from other companies, that to prevent corruption), but I see no reason why visiting a coworker at hospital would be a threat for the company at this point. Some people talked about the fact the coworker may have not liked your visit but if that's true that kind of faux-pas would be a threat for that coworker at first look it does not looks like a threat for the company. Remind the handbook is there to protect the company and remind the warning is there to protect the company.

                The fact HR hides itself behind the handbook instead of going the social way (not saying it's a faux-pas in this culture etc.) and the fact HR have not explained why this is forbidden by handbook (not explaining how this forbidding would protect the company) may be a ringing bell as HR demonstrated there is no intention to help you becoming a better coworker by making you understanding better this culture or no intention to help you becoming a better coworker by making you understanding better how to protect the company or to make the company a better one.

                share|improve this answer

                New contributor

                Thomas Debesse is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                Check out our Code of Conduct.


                  If HR got orders or objectives to reduce amount of workers or to rotate them by firing some of them regularly (it's not necessarily against you), they are likely to use this kind of language.

                  It's known the most effective way to fire people is to warn people with some irrelevant things first.

                  This way the day the company fires the people HR will just have to say the people “you know why, right?” and the people will say nothing and silently accept what his happening because the people would feel guilty and would already have accepted what is happening since days or months.

                  Nothing can happen if coworkers support you, but in most case coworkers just point you to save themselves.

                  I'm not saying it's what happening to you, but that is a real answer to that question if that is happening to you: “Why would HR say it's inappropriate that I visited a coworker in the hospital?”

                  Note that in what you said you there is no sign HR thinks it's inappropriate, you just reported HR said it is.

                  There can be a real reason why it's forbidden by handbook (for example I know that some companies formally forbid workers to receive gifts from other companies, that to prevent corruption), but I see no reason why visiting a coworker at hospital would be a threat for the company at this point. Some people talked about the fact the coworker may have not liked your visit but if that's true that kind of faux-pas would be a threat for that coworker at first look it does not looks like a threat for the company. Remind the handbook is there to protect the company and remind the warning is there to protect the company.

                  The fact HR hides itself behind the handbook instead of going the social way (not saying it's a faux-pas in this culture etc.) and the fact HR have not explained why this is forbidden by handbook (not explaining how this forbidding would protect the company) may be a ringing bell as HR demonstrated there is no intention to help you becoming a better coworker by making you understanding better this culture or no intention to help you becoming a better coworker by making you understanding better how to protect the company or to make the company a better one.

                  share|improve this answer

                  New contributor

                  Thomas Debesse is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                  Check out our Code of Conduct.




                    If HR got orders or objectives to reduce amount of workers or to rotate them by firing some of them regularly (it's not necessarily against you), they are likely to use this kind of language.

                    It's known the most effective way to fire people is to warn people with some irrelevant things first.

                    This way the day the company fires the people HR will just have to say the people “you know why, right?” and the people will say nothing and silently accept what his happening because the people would feel guilty and would already have accepted what is happening since days or months.

                    Nothing can happen if coworkers support you, but in most case coworkers just point you to save themselves.

                    I'm not saying it's what happening to you, but that is a real answer to that question if that is happening to you: “Why would HR say it's inappropriate that I visited a coworker in the hospital?”

                    Note that in what you said you there is no sign HR thinks it's inappropriate, you just reported HR said it is.

                    There can be a real reason why it's forbidden by handbook (for example I know that some companies formally forbid workers to receive gifts from other companies, that to prevent corruption), but I see no reason why visiting a coworker at hospital would be a threat for the company at this point. Some people talked about the fact the coworker may have not liked your visit but if that's true that kind of faux-pas would be a threat for that coworker at first look it does not looks like a threat for the company. Remind the handbook is there to protect the company and remind the warning is there to protect the company.

                    The fact HR hides itself behind the handbook instead of going the social way (not saying it's a faux-pas in this culture etc.) and the fact HR have not explained why this is forbidden by handbook (not explaining how this forbidding would protect the company) may be a ringing bell as HR demonstrated there is no intention to help you becoming a better coworker by making you understanding better this culture or no intention to help you becoming a better coworker by making you understanding better how to protect the company or to make the company a better one.

                    share|improve this answer

                    New contributor

                    Thomas Debesse is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                    Check out our Code of Conduct.

                    If HR got orders or objectives to reduce amount of workers or to rotate them by firing some of them regularly (it's not necessarily against you), they are likely to use this kind of language.

                    It's known the most effective way to fire people is to warn people with some irrelevant things first.

                    This way the day the company fires the people HR will just have to say the people “you know why, right?” and the people will say nothing and silently accept what his happening because the people would feel guilty and would already have accepted what is happening since days or months.

                    Nothing can happen if coworkers support you, but in most case coworkers just point you to save themselves.

                    I'm not saying it's what happening to you, but that is a real answer to that question if that is happening to you: “Why would HR say it's inappropriate that I visited a coworker in the hospital?”

                    Note that in what you said you there is no sign HR thinks it's inappropriate, you just reported HR said it is.

                    There can be a real reason why it's forbidden by handbook (for example I know that some companies formally forbid workers to receive gifts from other companies, that to prevent corruption), but I see no reason why visiting a coworker at hospital would be a threat for the company at this point. Some people talked about the fact the coworker may have not liked your visit but if that's true that kind of faux-pas would be a threat for that coworker at first look it does not looks like a threat for the company. Remind the handbook is there to protect the company and remind the warning is there to protect the company.

                    The fact HR hides itself behind the handbook instead of going the social way (not saying it's a faux-pas in this culture etc.) and the fact HR have not explained why this is forbidden by handbook (not explaining how this forbidding would protect the company) may be a ringing bell as HR demonstrated there is no intention to help you becoming a better coworker by making you understanding better this culture or no intention to help you becoming a better coworker by making you understanding better how to protect the company or to make the company a better one.

                    share|improve this answer

                    New contributor

                    Thomas Debesse is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                    Check out our Code of Conduct.

                    share|improve this answer

                    share|improve this answer

                    New contributor

                    Thomas Debesse is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                    Check out our Code of Conduct.

                    answered 10 hours ago

                    Thomas DebesseThomas Debesse



                    New contributor

                    Thomas Debesse is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                    Check out our Code of Conduct.

                    New contributor

                    Thomas Debesse is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                    Check out our Code of Conduct.

                    Thomas Debesse is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                    Check out our Code of Conduct.


                        Do you and your friend work at the aforementioned hospital?

                        Noticed your name was Erguy (ER + Guy) so though I'd throw it out there.

                        share|improve this answer

                        New contributor

                        Frank is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                        Check out our Code of Conduct.

                        • 6

                          Hi Frank, questions asking for clarification of the original question should be posted as comments on the question, not as answers. Once you've earned enough reputation score, you'll be able to comment on questions and answers.

                          – reirab

                        • This does not provide an answer to the question. Once you have sufficient reputation you will be able to comment on any post; instead, provide answers that don't require clarification from the asker. - From Review

                          – bruglesco
                          7 hours ago


                        Do you and your friend work at the aforementioned hospital?

                        Noticed your name was Erguy (ER + Guy) so though I'd throw it out there.

                        share|improve this answer

                        New contributor

                        Frank is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                        Check out our Code of Conduct.

                        • 6

                          Hi Frank, questions asking for clarification of the original question should be posted as comments on the question, not as answers. Once you've earned enough reputation score, you'll be able to comment on questions and answers.

                          – reirab

                        • This does not provide an answer to the question. Once you have sufficient reputation you will be able to comment on any post; instead, provide answers that don't require clarification from the asker. - From Review

                          – bruglesco
                          7 hours ago




                        Do you and your friend work at the aforementioned hospital?

                        Noticed your name was Erguy (ER + Guy) so though I'd throw it out there.

                        share|improve this answer

                        New contributor

                        Frank is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                        Check out our Code of Conduct.

                        Do you and your friend work at the aforementioned hospital?

                        Noticed your name was Erguy (ER + Guy) so though I'd throw it out there.

                        share|improve this answer

                        New contributor

                        Frank is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                        Check out our Code of Conduct.

                        share|improve this answer

                        share|improve this answer

                        edited yesterday

                        J. Chris Compton



                        New contributor

                        Frank is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                        Check out our Code of Conduct.

                        answered yesterday




                        New contributor

                        Frank is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                        Check out our Code of Conduct.

                        New contributor

                        Frank is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                        Check out our Code of Conduct.

                        Frank is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                        Check out our Code of Conduct.

                        • 6

                          Hi Frank, questions asking for clarification of the original question should be posted as comments on the question, not as answers. Once you've earned enough reputation score, you'll be able to comment on questions and answers.

                          – reirab

                        • This does not provide an answer to the question. Once you have sufficient reputation you will be able to comment on any post; instead, provide answers that don't require clarification from the asker. - From Review

                          – bruglesco
                          7 hours ago

                        • 6

                          Hi Frank, questions asking for clarification of the original question should be posted as comments on the question, not as answers. Once you've earned enough reputation score, you'll be able to comment on questions and answers.

                          – reirab

                        • This does not provide an answer to the question. Once you have sufficient reputation you will be able to comment on any post; instead, provide answers that don't require clarification from the asker. - From Review

                          – bruglesco
                          7 hours ago



                        Hi Frank, questions asking for clarification of the original question should be posted as comments on the question, not as answers. Once you've earned enough reputation score, you'll be able to comment on questions and answers.

                        – reirab

                        Hi Frank, questions asking for clarification of the original question should be posted as comments on the question, not as answers. Once you've earned enough reputation score, you'll be able to comment on questions and answers.

                        – reirab

                        This does not provide an answer to the question. Once you have sufficient reputation you will be able to comment on any post; instead, provide answers that don't require clarification from the asker. - From Review

                        – bruglesco
                        7 hours ago

                        This does not provide an answer to the question. Once you have sufficient reputation you will be able to comment on any post; instead, provide answers that don't require clarification from the asker. - From Review

                        – bruglesco
                        7 hours ago


                        @ ERguy - Hello. You mentioned you are of comparable professional status, albeit in different departments. To my thinking, this dissociative workplace variable probably means you, and the hospitalised chap, are not, and would not, be perceived as "co-workers" by fellow company employees or the concerned man. You did not state in your OP whether this hospital visit was to see a co-worker not a friend. I must say I would find it disturbingly odd if a person I'd seen and possibly even chatted with at my workplace were to suddenly appear at my hospital bedside to wish me a speedy recovery (or cynically check to see if there may soon be a new job opening). One expects close friends and family to undergo the chore of hospital visits (not the most convivial of places to socialise). Having a relative stranger drop by may have been excessively stressful, especially if one thinks said stranger may have undeclared ulterior motives. He may well be concerned or worry if/that you have a crush on him; one big enough to trigger a surprise hospital visit. Thus thinking you are gay and making a play where he is not. Then again, he may be gay and simply not fancy or like you or has been in a monogamous gay relationship for years. Awkward if his life-partner drops in for a visit too, where your reason for visiting is not readily understood or appreciated.

                        You must know from experience when a person is poorly or simply under the weather that any energy required to remain socially engaging and mannered may be extremely difficult to muster. One's social affectations are easily sloughed when in the company of close relatives or established friends. Having to wriggle into and wear one's cultural persona when all one really wants is to bask in sympathetic rays emittedthose closest to him may bathe him withis lie back and feel terribly sorry for oneself .

                        Then again...he may have considered your intrusion to have been stalker like.

                        You have ultimately to take onboard that he may not actually like you.

                        You should wait until he is fully recovered and back at work. There, with the proviso you're not breaking workplace rules, you can write him a considerate e-mail, letter, PiN, whatever, with which you apologise for inadvertently causing him stress and anxiety during a time when it was thoroughly unnecessary. If appropriate to your circumstances, remove any anxieties he may have about yours or his sexuality, especially if you weren't motivated by sexuality and opportunism. If you were then tell him to his face.

                        I haven't seen any replies from you regarding contributors comments, so hopefully you're past the indignity of being dragged over the coals for an accidental misdemeanour. In future though, think carefully before encroaching on an acquaintances personal space.

                        Those Workplace rules you've been warned to abide by may not be explicitly black and white. However, the greys and tact should help to guide you.

                        Anyway, all the best. You've not lost your job...yet!

                        share|improve this answer

                        New contributor

                        D. Joe is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                        Check out our Code of Conduct.


                          @ ERguy - Hello. You mentioned you are of comparable professional status, albeit in different departments. To my thinking, this dissociative workplace variable probably means you, and the hospitalised chap, are not, and would not, be perceived as "co-workers" by fellow company employees or the concerned man. You did not state in your OP whether this hospital visit was to see a co-worker not a friend. I must say I would find it disturbingly odd if a person I'd seen and possibly even chatted with at my workplace were to suddenly appear at my hospital bedside to wish me a speedy recovery (or cynically check to see if there may soon be a new job opening). One expects close friends and family to undergo the chore of hospital visits (not the most convivial of places to socialise). Having a relative stranger drop by may have been excessively stressful, especially if one thinks said stranger may have undeclared ulterior motives. He may well be concerned or worry if/that you have a crush on him; one big enough to trigger a surprise hospital visit. Thus thinking you are gay and making a play where he is not. Then again, he may be gay and simply not fancy or like you or has been in a monogamous gay relationship for years. Awkward if his life-partner drops in for a visit too, where your reason for visiting is not readily understood or appreciated.

                          You must know from experience when a person is poorly or simply under the weather that any energy required to remain socially engaging and mannered may be extremely difficult to muster. One's social affectations are easily sloughed when in the company of close relatives or established friends. Having to wriggle into and wear one's cultural persona when all one really wants is to bask in sympathetic rays emittedthose closest to him may bathe him withis lie back and feel terribly sorry for oneself .

                          Then again...he may have considered your intrusion to have been stalker like.

                          You have ultimately to take onboard that he may not actually like you.

                          You should wait until he is fully recovered and back at work. There, with the proviso you're not breaking workplace rules, you can write him a considerate e-mail, letter, PiN, whatever, with which you apologise for inadvertently causing him stress and anxiety during a time when it was thoroughly unnecessary. If appropriate to your circumstances, remove any anxieties he may have about yours or his sexuality, especially if you weren't motivated by sexuality and opportunism. If you were then tell him to his face.

                          I haven't seen any replies from you regarding contributors comments, so hopefully you're past the indignity of being dragged over the coals for an accidental misdemeanour. In future though, think carefully before encroaching on an acquaintances personal space.

                          Those Workplace rules you've been warned to abide by may not be explicitly black and white. However, the greys and tact should help to guide you.

                          Anyway, all the best. You've not lost your job...yet!

                          share|improve this answer

                          New contributor

                          D. Joe is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                          Check out our Code of Conduct.




                            @ ERguy - Hello. You mentioned you are of comparable professional status, albeit in different departments. To my thinking, this dissociative workplace variable probably means you, and the hospitalised chap, are not, and would not, be perceived as "co-workers" by fellow company employees or the concerned man. You did not state in your OP whether this hospital visit was to see a co-worker not a friend. I must say I would find it disturbingly odd if a person I'd seen and possibly even chatted with at my workplace were to suddenly appear at my hospital bedside to wish me a speedy recovery (or cynically check to see if there may soon be a new job opening). One expects close friends and family to undergo the chore of hospital visits (not the most convivial of places to socialise). Having a relative stranger drop by may have been excessively stressful, especially if one thinks said stranger may have undeclared ulterior motives. He may well be concerned or worry if/that you have a crush on him; one big enough to trigger a surprise hospital visit. Thus thinking you are gay and making a play where he is not. Then again, he may be gay and simply not fancy or like you or has been in a monogamous gay relationship for years. Awkward if his life-partner drops in for a visit too, where your reason for visiting is not readily understood or appreciated.

                            You must know from experience when a person is poorly or simply under the weather that any energy required to remain socially engaging and mannered may be extremely difficult to muster. One's social affectations are easily sloughed when in the company of close relatives or established friends. Having to wriggle into and wear one's cultural persona when all one really wants is to bask in sympathetic rays emittedthose closest to him may bathe him withis lie back and feel terribly sorry for oneself .

                            Then again...he may have considered your intrusion to have been stalker like.

                            You have ultimately to take onboard that he may not actually like you.

                            You should wait until he is fully recovered and back at work. There, with the proviso you're not breaking workplace rules, you can write him a considerate e-mail, letter, PiN, whatever, with which you apologise for inadvertently causing him stress and anxiety during a time when it was thoroughly unnecessary. If appropriate to your circumstances, remove any anxieties he may have about yours or his sexuality, especially if you weren't motivated by sexuality and opportunism. If you were then tell him to his face.

                            I haven't seen any replies from you regarding contributors comments, so hopefully you're past the indignity of being dragged over the coals for an accidental misdemeanour. In future though, think carefully before encroaching on an acquaintances personal space.

                            Those Workplace rules you've been warned to abide by may not be explicitly black and white. However, the greys and tact should help to guide you.

                            Anyway, all the best. You've not lost your job...yet!

                            share|improve this answer

                            New contributor

                            D. Joe is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                            Check out our Code of Conduct.

                            @ ERguy - Hello. You mentioned you are of comparable professional status, albeit in different departments. To my thinking, this dissociative workplace variable probably means you, and the hospitalised chap, are not, and would not, be perceived as "co-workers" by fellow company employees or the concerned man. You did not state in your OP whether this hospital visit was to see a co-worker not a friend. I must say I would find it disturbingly odd if a person I'd seen and possibly even chatted with at my workplace were to suddenly appear at my hospital bedside to wish me a speedy recovery (or cynically check to see if there may soon be a new job opening). One expects close friends and family to undergo the chore of hospital visits (not the most convivial of places to socialise). Having a relative stranger drop by may have been excessively stressful, especially if one thinks said stranger may have undeclared ulterior motives. He may well be concerned or worry if/that you have a crush on him; one big enough to trigger a surprise hospital visit. Thus thinking you are gay and making a play where he is not. Then again, he may be gay and simply not fancy or like you or has been in a monogamous gay relationship for years. Awkward if his life-partner drops in for a visit too, where your reason for visiting is not readily understood or appreciated.

                            You must know from experience when a person is poorly or simply under the weather that any energy required to remain socially engaging and mannered may be extremely difficult to muster. One's social affectations are easily sloughed when in the company of close relatives or established friends. Having to wriggle into and wear one's cultural persona when all one really wants is to bask in sympathetic rays emittedthose closest to him may bathe him withis lie back and feel terribly sorry for oneself .

                            Then again...he may have considered your intrusion to have been stalker like.

                            You have ultimately to take onboard that he may not actually like you.

                            You should wait until he is fully recovered and back at work. There, with the proviso you're not breaking workplace rules, you can write him a considerate e-mail, letter, PiN, whatever, with which you apologise for inadvertently causing him stress and anxiety during a time when it was thoroughly unnecessary. If appropriate to your circumstances, remove any anxieties he may have about yours or his sexuality, especially if you weren't motivated by sexuality and opportunism. If you were then tell him to his face.

                            I haven't seen any replies from you regarding contributors comments, so hopefully you're past the indignity of being dragged over the coals for an accidental misdemeanour. In future though, think carefully before encroaching on an acquaintances personal space.

                            Those Workplace rules you've been warned to abide by may not be explicitly black and white. However, the greys and tact should help to guide you.

                            Anyway, all the best. You've not lost your job...yet!

                            share|improve this answer

                            New contributor

                            D. Joe is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                            Check out our Code of Conduct.

                            share|improve this answer

                            share|improve this answer

                            edited 1 hour ago

                            New contributor

                            D. Joe is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                            Check out our Code of Conduct.

                            answered 16 hours ago

                            D. JoeD. Joe



                            New contributor

                            D. Joe is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                            Check out our Code of Conduct.

                            New contributor

                            D. Joe is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                            Check out our Code of Conduct.

                            D. Joe is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                            Check out our Code of Conduct.


                                OP note: If you understand what I am trying to say, feel free to fix/improve it!

                                This is an inhumane rule, thus you are by an inhumane company.

                                It doesn't matter, what is in their "handbooks". It is long bad that the HR thinks they are free to dictate the off-workplace, human relation of the employee.

                                It is your decision, how do you deal with it. I can imagine such a wage, or life situation, for which I would tolerate it.

                                But the main attitude is this: the company is inhumane and un-ethical, so if also you aren't very ethical with it, is not a big problem.

                                At least, you are free to use their own evil rules against them. Check that handbook, and find ways to attack back, while you hold a bridge to fly away.

                                Hopefully no HR co-worker will ever say you that you were "un-ethical" in any sense.

                                share|improve this answer

                                • 6

                                  Hum. What the hell?

                                  – Pierre Arlaud

                                • 1

                                  If the visit was an entirely private meeting of two consenting parties with no consequences to their joint employer, how would HR learn of it? We can hardly assume that HR contacted the patient first, more likely the reverse happened. In which case HR cannot mention that communication to the OP because such a slip could hypothetically expose the coworker to some form of retaliation from the OP.

                                  – Jirka Hanika

                                • 1

                                  This is not worded the best

                                  – Steve

                                • 1

                                  @PierreArlaud Sorry if I was not enough clear. I am trying to say, that it is an unfair, inhumane policy what the HR is doing, and I adviced the OP to check that "handbook" and to try to utilize its rules - as they were written - to fight back that inhumane behavior. Thus, essentially, I am inciting the OP against its employer, and I think it is pretty okay! If you have any better idea, how to formulate this post better, please do it. What is not clear?

                                  – Gray Sheep

                                • 2

                                  Ok let me elaborate on that. What the hell do you know about the company being inhumane? What if the colleague in the hospital told HR some guy at the office came in his private circle and that he disapproved of it (as some people have suggested could be the case)? Would it be inhumane to tell a coworker to mind his own business in that case?

                                  – Pierre Arlaud


                                OP note: If you understand what I am trying to say, feel free to fix/improve it!

                                This is an inhumane rule, thus you are by an inhumane company.

                                It doesn't matter, what is in their "handbooks". It is long bad that the HR thinks they are free to dictate the off-workplace, human relation of the employee.

                                It is your decision, how do you deal with it. I can imagine such a wage, or life situation, for which I would tolerate it.

                                But the main attitude is this: the company is inhumane and un-ethical, so if also you aren't very ethical with it, is not a big problem.

                                At least, you are free to use their own evil rules against them. Check that handbook, and find ways to attack back, while you hold a bridge to fly away.

                                Hopefully no HR co-worker will ever say you that you were "un-ethical" in any sense.

                                share|improve this answer

                                • 6

                                  Hum. What the hell?

                                  – Pierre Arlaud

                                • 1

                                  If the visit was an entirely private meeting of two consenting parties with no consequences to their joint employer, how would HR learn of it? We can hardly assume that HR contacted the patient first, more likely the reverse happened. In which case HR cannot mention that communication to the OP because such a slip could hypothetically expose the coworker to some form of retaliation from the OP.

                                  – Jirka Hanika

                                • 1

                                  This is not worded the best

                                  – Steve

                                • 1

                                  @PierreArlaud Sorry if I was not enough clear. I am trying to say, that it is an unfair, inhumane policy what the HR is doing, and I adviced the OP to check that "handbook" and to try to utilize its rules - as they were written - to fight back that inhumane behavior. Thus, essentially, I am inciting the OP against its employer, and I think it is pretty okay! If you have any better idea, how to formulate this post better, please do it. What is not clear?

                                  – Gray Sheep

                                • 2

                                  Ok let me elaborate on that. What the hell do you know about the company being inhumane? What if the colleague in the hospital told HR some guy at the office came in his private circle and that he disapproved of it (as some people have suggested could be the case)? Would it be inhumane to tell a coworker to mind his own business in that case?

                                  – Pierre Arlaud




                                OP note: If you understand what I am trying to say, feel free to fix/improve it!

                                This is an inhumane rule, thus you are by an inhumane company.

                                It doesn't matter, what is in their "handbooks". It is long bad that the HR thinks they are free to dictate the off-workplace, human relation of the employee.

                                It is your decision, how do you deal with it. I can imagine such a wage, or life situation, for which I would tolerate it.

                                But the main attitude is this: the company is inhumane and un-ethical, so if also you aren't very ethical with it, is not a big problem.

                                At least, you are free to use their own evil rules against them. Check that handbook, and find ways to attack back, while you hold a bridge to fly away.

                                Hopefully no HR co-worker will ever say you that you were "un-ethical" in any sense.

                                share|improve this answer

                                OP note: If you understand what I am trying to say, feel free to fix/improve it!

                                This is an inhumane rule, thus you are by an inhumane company.

                                It doesn't matter, what is in their "handbooks". It is long bad that the HR thinks they are free to dictate the off-workplace, human relation of the employee.

                                It is your decision, how do you deal with it. I can imagine such a wage, or life situation, for which I would tolerate it.

                                But the main attitude is this: the company is inhumane and un-ethical, so if also you aren't very ethical with it, is not a big problem.

                                At least, you are free to use their own evil rules against them. Check that handbook, and find ways to attack back, while you hold a bridge to fly away.

                                Hopefully no HR co-worker will ever say you that you were "un-ethical" in any sense.

                                share|improve this answer

                                share|improve this answer

                                share|improve this answer

                                edited yesterday

                                answered 2 days ago

                                Gray SheepGray Sheep



                                • 6

                                  Hum. What the hell?

                                  – Pierre Arlaud

                                • 1

                                  If the visit was an entirely private meeting of two consenting parties with no consequences to their joint employer, how would HR learn of it? We can hardly assume that HR contacted the patient first, more likely the reverse happened. In which case HR cannot mention that communication to the OP because such a slip could hypothetically expose the coworker to some form of retaliation from the OP.

                                  – Jirka Hanika

                                • 1

                                  This is not worded the best

                                  – Steve

                                • 1

                                  @PierreArlaud Sorry if I was not enough clear. I am trying to say, that it is an unfair, inhumane policy what the HR is doing, and I adviced the OP to check that "handbook" and to try to utilize its rules - as they were written - to fight back that inhumane behavior. Thus, essentially, I am inciting the OP against its employer, and I think it is pretty okay! If you have any better idea, how to formulate this post better, please do it. What is not clear?

                                  – Gray Sheep

                                • 2

                                  Ok let me elaborate on that. What the hell do you know about the company being inhumane? What if the colleague in the hospital told HR some guy at the office came in his private circle and that he disapproved of it (as some people have suggested could be the case)? Would it be inhumane to tell a coworker to mind his own business in that case?

                                  – Pierre Arlaud

                                • 6

                                  Hum. What the hell?

                                  – Pierre Arlaud

                                • 1

                                  If the visit was an entirely private meeting of two consenting parties with no consequences to their joint employer, how would HR learn of it? We can hardly assume that HR contacted the patient first, more likely the reverse happened. In which case HR cannot mention that communication to the OP because such a slip could hypothetically expose the coworker to some form of retaliation from the OP.

                                  – Jirka Hanika

                                • 1

                                  This is not worded the best

                                  – Steve

                                • 1

                                  @PierreArlaud Sorry if I was not enough clear. I am trying to say, that it is an unfair, inhumane policy what the HR is doing, and I adviced the OP to check that "handbook" and to try to utilize its rules - as they were written - to fight back that inhumane behavior. Thus, essentially, I am inciting the OP against its employer, and I think it is pretty okay! If you have any better idea, how to formulate this post better, please do it. What is not clear?

                                  – Gray Sheep

                                • 2

                                  Ok let me elaborate on that. What the hell do you know about the company being inhumane? What if the colleague in the hospital told HR some guy at the office came in his private circle and that he disapproved of it (as some people have suggested could be the case)? Would it be inhumane to tell a coworker to mind his own business in that case?

                                  – Pierre Arlaud



                                Hum. What the hell?

                                – Pierre Arlaud

                                Hum. What the hell?

                                – Pierre Arlaud



                                If the visit was an entirely private meeting of two consenting parties with no consequences to their joint employer, how would HR learn of it? We can hardly assume that HR contacted the patient first, more likely the reverse happened. In which case HR cannot mention that communication to the OP because such a slip could hypothetically expose the coworker to some form of retaliation from the OP.

                                – Jirka Hanika

                                If the visit was an entirely private meeting of two consenting parties with no consequences to their joint employer, how would HR learn of it? We can hardly assume that HR contacted the patient first, more likely the reverse happened. In which case HR cannot mention that communication to the OP because such a slip could hypothetically expose the coworker to some form of retaliation from the OP.

                                – Jirka Hanika



                                This is not worded the best

                                – Steve

                                This is not worded the best

                                – Steve



                                @PierreArlaud Sorry if I was not enough clear. I am trying to say, that it is an unfair, inhumane policy what the HR is doing, and I adviced the OP to check that "handbook" and to try to utilize its rules - as they were written - to fight back that inhumane behavior. Thus, essentially, I am inciting the OP against its employer, and I think it is pretty okay! If you have any better idea, how to formulate this post better, please do it. What is not clear?

                                – Gray Sheep

                                @PierreArlaud Sorry if I was not enough clear. I am trying to say, that it is an unfair, inhumane policy what the HR is doing, and I adviced the OP to check that "handbook" and to try to utilize its rules - as they were written - to fight back that inhumane behavior. Thus, essentially, I am inciting the OP against its employer, and I think it is pretty okay! If you have any better idea, how to formulate this post better, please do it. What is not clear?

                                – Gray Sheep



                                Ok let me elaborate on that. What the hell do you know about the company being inhumane? What if the colleague in the hospital told HR some guy at the office came in his private circle and that he disapproved of it (as some people have suggested could be the case)? Would it be inhumane to tell a coworker to mind his own business in that case?

                                – Pierre Arlaud

                                Ok let me elaborate on that. What the hell do you know about the company being inhumane? What if the colleague in the hospital told HR some guy at the office came in his private circle and that he disapproved of it (as some people have suggested could be the case)? Would it be inhumane to tell a coworker to mind his own business in that case?

                                – Pierre Arlaud


                                Employer getting involved, or having rule regulating what you do in your free time, strikes me as totally ridiculous and in sane countries this should be against the law / constitution.

                                If that person was uncomfortable, he should've confronted you. Sane employer would tell him the same (wtf, are you still grade-school kids, and is the company your teachers ?).

                                I would consult a lawyer, and if such abhorrent control over employee private life is condoned by your country's laws, I'd seek better employer (and better homeland; or start some public initiative to rectify this).

                                share|improve this answer

                                New contributor

                                Miloslav Raus is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                We're looking for long answers that provide some explanation and context. Don't just give a one-line answer; explain why your answer is right, ideally with citations. Answers that don't include explanations may be removed.

                                • 16

                                  This seems more like a rant than an answer

                                  – stannius
                                  2 days ago

                                • 26

                                  Your suggestion is that, in response to a formal warning from HR, the questioner should move to a different country??

                                  – Sneftel

                                • 5

                                  "regulating what you do in your free time, strikes me as totally ridiculous" If my manager starts calling me every day at 2am "in his free time", I feel entitled to complain to HR. If a male coworker makes improper comments to a female coworker in an after-work outside working hours, she has a right to complain, etc. A company can sanction behavior outside working hour if it happens between two co-workers and one of them complaints, so your main reasoning seems flawed.

                                  – zakinster


                                Employer getting involved, or having rule regulating what you do in your free time, strikes me as totally ridiculous and in sane countries this should be against the law / constitution.

                                If that person was uncomfortable, he should've confronted you. Sane employer would tell him the same (wtf, are you still grade-school kids, and is the company your teachers ?).

                                I would consult a lawyer, and if such abhorrent control over employee private life is condoned by your country's laws, I'd seek better employer (and better homeland; or start some public initiative to rectify this).

                                share|improve this answer

                                New contributor

                                Miloslav Raus is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                We're looking for long answers that provide some explanation and context. Don't just give a one-line answer; explain why your answer is right, ideally with citations. Answers that don't include explanations may be removed.

                                • 16

                                  This seems more like a rant than an answer

                                  – stannius
                                  2 days ago

                                • 26

                                  Your suggestion is that, in response to a formal warning from HR, the questioner should move to a different country??

                                  – Sneftel

                                • 5

                                  "regulating what you do in your free time, strikes me as totally ridiculous" If my manager starts calling me every day at 2am "in his free time", I feel entitled to complain to HR. If a male coworker makes improper comments to a female coworker in an after-work outside working hours, she has a right to complain, etc. A company can sanction behavior outside working hour if it happens between two co-workers and one of them complaints, so your main reasoning seems flawed.

                                  – zakinster




                                Employer getting involved, or having rule regulating what you do in your free time, strikes me as totally ridiculous and in sane countries this should be against the law / constitution.

                                If that person was uncomfortable, he should've confronted you. Sane employer would tell him the same (wtf, are you still grade-school kids, and is the company your teachers ?).

                                I would consult a lawyer, and if such abhorrent control over employee private life is condoned by your country's laws, I'd seek better employer (and better homeland; or start some public initiative to rectify this).

                                share|improve this answer

                                New contributor

                                Miloslav Raus is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                Employer getting involved, or having rule regulating what you do in your free time, strikes me as totally ridiculous and in sane countries this should be against the law / constitution.

                                If that person was uncomfortable, he should've confronted you. Sane employer would tell him the same (wtf, are you still grade-school kids, and is the company your teachers ?).

                                I would consult a lawyer, and if such abhorrent control over employee private life is condoned by your country's laws, I'd seek better employer (and better homeland; or start some public initiative to rectify this).

                                share|improve this answer

                                New contributor

                                Miloslav Raus is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                share|improve this answer

                                share|improve this answer

                                edited yesterday




                                New contributor

                                Miloslav Raus is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                answered 2 days ago

                                Miloslav RausMiloslav Raus



                                New contributor

                                Miloslav Raus is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                New contributor

                                Miloslav Raus is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                Miloslav Raus is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                We're looking for long answers that provide some explanation and context. Don't just give a one-line answer; explain why your answer is right, ideally with citations. Answers that don't include explanations may be removed.

                                We're looking for long answers that provide some explanation and context. Don't just give a one-line answer; explain why your answer is right, ideally with citations. Answers that don't include explanations may be removed.

                                • 16

                                  This seems more like a rant than an answer

                                  – stannius
                                  2 days ago

                                • 26

                                  Your suggestion is that, in response to a formal warning from HR, the questioner should move to a different country??

                                  – Sneftel

                                • 5

                                  "regulating what you do in your free time, strikes me as totally ridiculous" If my manager starts calling me every day at 2am "in his free time", I feel entitled to complain to HR. If a male coworker makes improper comments to a female coworker in an after-work outside working hours, she has a right to complain, etc. A company can sanction behavior outside working hour if it happens between two co-workers and one of them complaints, so your main reasoning seems flawed.

                                  – zakinster

                                • 16

                                  This seems more like a rant than an answer

                                  – stannius
                                  2 days ago

                                • 26

                                  Your suggestion is that, in response to a formal warning from HR, the questioner should move to a different country??

                                  – Sneftel

                                • 5

                                  "regulating what you do in your free time, strikes me as totally ridiculous" If my manager starts calling me every day at 2am "in his free time", I feel entitled to complain to HR. If a male coworker makes improper comments to a female coworker in an after-work outside working hours, she has a right to complain, etc. A company can sanction behavior outside working hour if it happens between two co-workers and one of them complaints, so your main reasoning seems flawed.

                                  – zakinster



                                This seems more like a rant than an answer

                                – stannius
                                2 days ago

                                This seems more like a rant than an answer

                                – stannius
                                2 days ago



                                Your suggestion is that, in response to a formal warning from HR, the questioner should move to a different country??

                                – Sneftel

                                Your suggestion is that, in response to a formal warning from HR, the questioner should move to a different country??

                                – Sneftel



                                "regulating what you do in your free time, strikes me as totally ridiculous" If my manager starts calling me every day at 2am "in his free time", I feel entitled to complain to HR. If a male coworker makes improper comments to a female coworker in an after-work outside working hours, she has a right to complain, etc. A company can sanction behavior outside working hour if it happens between two co-workers and one of them complaints, so your main reasoning seems flawed.

                                – zakinster

                                "regulating what you do in your free time, strikes me as totally ridiculous" If my manager starts calling me every day at 2am "in his free time", I feel entitled to complain to HR. If a male coworker makes improper comments to a female coworker in an after-work outside working hours, she has a right to complain, etc. A company can sanction behavior outside working hour if it happens between two co-workers and one of them complaints, so your main reasoning seems flawed.

                                – zakinster


                                "It's against the rules. Read the handbook".

                                THIS is your ANSWER.

                                Read the handbook and if you still have questions edit your question or ask HR.

                                Something in that chain of events you described violated at least one policy in said handbook (at least according to its interpretation of the company / HR).

                                I URGE YOU TO CONSULT A LAWYER!

                                Engaging in inappropriate conduct is a serious offense raising all sorts of red flags.

                                See what your chances are in expunging this from your documents.

                                If it has no merit, if HR's interpretation of the policies in the handbook was false, a lawyer will be able to help you!

                                Seriously, downvoters, the issue is OP was told he violated a policy.

                                WITHOUT knowing that policy we CAN'T answer any differently.

                                Idle speculation won't help OP and aimless rants about the sense of rules encompassing private relationships with colleagues are way out of the scope.

                                share|improve this answer

                                • Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been moved to chat.

                                  – Jane S


                                "It's against the rules. Read the handbook".

                                THIS is your ANSWER.

                                Read the handbook and if you still have questions edit your question or ask HR.

                                Something in that chain of events you described violated at least one policy in said handbook (at least according to its interpretation of the company / HR).

                                I URGE YOU TO CONSULT A LAWYER!

                                Engaging in inappropriate conduct is a serious offense raising all sorts of red flags.

                                See what your chances are in expunging this from your documents.

                                If it has no merit, if HR's interpretation of the policies in the handbook was false, a lawyer will be able to help you!

                                Seriously, downvoters, the issue is OP was told he violated a policy.

                                WITHOUT knowing that policy we CAN'T answer any differently.

                                Idle speculation won't help OP and aimless rants about the sense of rules encompassing private relationships with colleagues are way out of the scope.

                                share|improve this answer

                                • Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been moved to chat.

                                  – Jane S




                                "It's against the rules. Read the handbook".

                                THIS is your ANSWER.

                                Read the handbook and if you still have questions edit your question or ask HR.

                                Something in that chain of events you described violated at least one policy in said handbook (at least according to its interpretation of the company / HR).

                                I URGE YOU TO CONSULT A LAWYER!

                                Engaging in inappropriate conduct is a serious offense raising all sorts of red flags.

                                See what your chances are in expunging this from your documents.

                                If it has no merit, if HR's interpretation of the policies in the handbook was false, a lawyer will be able to help you!

                                Seriously, downvoters, the issue is OP was told he violated a policy.

                                WITHOUT knowing that policy we CAN'T answer any differently.

                                Idle speculation won't help OP and aimless rants about the sense of rules encompassing private relationships with colleagues are way out of the scope.

                                share|improve this answer

                                "It's against the rules. Read the handbook".

                                THIS is your ANSWER.

                                Read the handbook and if you still have questions edit your question or ask HR.

                                Something in that chain of events you described violated at least one policy in said handbook (at least according to its interpretation of the company / HR).

                                I URGE YOU TO CONSULT A LAWYER!

                                Engaging in inappropriate conduct is a serious offense raising all sorts of red flags.

                                See what your chances are in expunging this from your documents.

                                If it has no merit, if HR's interpretation of the policies in the handbook was false, a lawyer will be able to help you!

                                Seriously, downvoters, the issue is OP was told he violated a policy.

                                WITHOUT knowing that policy we CAN'T answer any differently.

                                Idle speculation won't help OP and aimless rants about the sense of rules encompassing private relationships with colleagues are way out of the scope.

                                share|improve this answer

                                share|improve this answer

                                share|improve this answer

                                edited yesterday

                                answered yesterday




                                • Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been moved to chat.

                                  – Jane S

                                • Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been moved to chat.

                                  – Jane S

                                Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been moved to chat.

                                – Jane S

                                Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been moved to chat.

                                – Jane S

                                Erguy is a new contributor. Be nice, and check out our Code of Conduct.

                                draft saved

                                draft discarded

                                Erguy is a new contributor. Be nice, and check out our Code of Conduct.

                                Erguy is a new contributor. Be nice, and check out our Code of Conduct.

                                Erguy is a new contributor. Be nice, and check out our Code of Conduct.

                                Thanks for contributing an answer to The Workplace Stack Exchange!

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